Chapter 10 Nightmares

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We walked in the front door to the house.
It was so big! And there was real furniture there.
It was all so overwhelming.

"Here she is" Said Josie as a thin skinny girl with long back hair walked out of the other room.

" Maya this is my daughter, Alice."

The girl smiled at me.

" Hi, What's your name?" She said.

"Maya " I said while stareing at her like she was a girl two heads.

"Hunny, Maya here will be staying with us from now on, I want you to make her feel welcome. She has been through alot." Said Josie.

" Okay Mom" Said Alice smiling.

" It will be fun, She will be like your big sister." Said Josie.

I thought of Kate and forced my tears to stay in.

" I'm ten, what age are you?" Asked Alice.

"Im thirteen" I said mumbling.

"Okay Maya,. let me show you around your new home. " Josie insisted.

A couple of days had gone by and I was getting use to the place alot. All the difference was exciting for me. I now have my own hair brush.
And my own wardrobe filled with clothes Josie bought for me on our shopping day out. Oh! and the weirdest thing is that they have a white machine that you go toilet in and when your done you press down a handle and it magically dissappears.
I dont remember haveing one when I was younger.

My bed is as soft as a cloud.
I have really good sleep in it.
And the food! Wow! I could eat it all day. The best part is No fish!!!

Josie wants me to make friends.
She says there is a boy my age liveing next to us.
His name is Luke.
Alice gose out most days to her friends so I rarely see her.

" Hey Maya! There is someone at the door for you" Said Josie with a big grin on her face.

" For me?, are you certain..." I said surprised.

I walked to the door to see a boy.
He had light brown hair and big dark blue eyes.
He was the first boy my age I have ever seen.
I stared at him.

" Hi, You must be Maya, I'm Luke.
He held out his hand.

" Emm..hi...what are you doing with your hand may I ask?" I said confused.

" Oh, your meant to shake it" He said chuckleing.

I reached out and picked his hand up and started shaking it around.

" Like that?" I said.

He laughed.

" You are really different then most girls I know!" He said.

" Oh...I'm sorry" I said disappointed.

" Sorry? Why are you sorry! That's the thing I like about you." He said smiling.

I might not have had experience but Kate warned me about
love , boys,flirting and sutch.

" Sorry but I know what you are trying to do and just to let you know it won't work on me so don't flatter yourself." I closed the door quickly.

Kate would've been proud. I thought

That night I got into bed but I couldn't sleep. It was a hot and sticky night.
I tried everything to go to sleep but simply couldn't.
Some point in the night I dozed off.

I woke up back on the island it was dark and scarier then ever.
I walked twoareds the shack.
The door was half open and the light was on.
I could see a shadow moving through the window.
I walked up to the door and peered my head in.
Everything was still....and silent.
I walked in and went over to lie down on my bed.
Before I could I noticed my family photo on my pillow.
I picked it up.
Just then my mom,dad and Kates faces started to poor out blood.
Blood! from a picture!!! I heard a creak of the floor and turned around to see Old Nick.

" Hello Maya "

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