Chapter 9 New Beginnings

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"Are you okay there?" I heard man say.

The raft was right at the dock but I was fearful to get out of it.
There was a number of people standing over me.
I had never seen so many real people before. 
Just then a curly black haired women pushed passed all of the people.
She had a slim face with bright red lipstick, And dark blue eye shadow.
She was average height and wore a pale red cardigan with a black skirt and black high heels.

She cleared away all of the people then came over to me.

"Hello" She said politely. "My name is Josie, I live over there in that big see?" She said pointng over and the biggest house I've ever seen in my life! which to other people wasent that big at all.

" What is your name?" She asked.

"Maya" I mumbled.

" Whats that?, Was it Mia you said?"

She said bending down closer to here me.

"No! My name is Maya" I said loud.

"Oh Maya? Am I saying it right?

No! Maya. Like the month that comes after April... May then add an A at the end. Maya.

Oh! Maya .
That is a very pretty name. Tell you what Maya you take my hand and I'll pull you up and we can sit in the cafe and have a chat. How dose that sound?"

She reached out her hand. Suddenly Kate popped into my mind. I slowly held my hand out. I held onto it with tight grip as she pulled me up out of the raft.

" Good god! your clothes   are soacked!" She said inspecting me top to bottom.

"Oh that's okay, I just let them dry out on there own."I said.

She gave me a funny look.

"Maya where do you come from, May I ask?"

" I come from around here originally, But I have been liveing on a island since I was very small " I said quitetly.

As soon as I said the word " Island " her mouth dropped open.

"You mean the island way out out there!" She asked suspiciously.

" Yes" I said.

" Excuse me for just a minute will you Maya"
She said as she walked over to a man who was with the rest of the  crowd still stareing over at me. I heard her as she began to talk to him.

" She said she came from The island."   She said to the man.

" You mean The actual island! But that's not possible all the children have been long dead by now I presume." He said dramaticly.

" Well I dont know! Mabey there is still somebody out there takeing  kids! " She said in a harsh whisper.

" Well I know one thing for sure, It's not the guy that use to do it. I mean when my grandma was ten  years old he was about fifty something! " He said.

They knew about Old Nick! I thought to myself. But I couldn't possibly tell them. They would think I'm crazy! Better off not telling them anything.

She walked back over to me with a worried look.

"Maya?" She said. " how did you end up on that island?"

" Well....I..emm...went swimming one day and the waves carried me out really far and then I just ended up on the island."I said unsure.

" Were there any others on this island?" She said.

"No" I said quickly.

" Okay Maya, come with me and we will have a chat". She said smiling.

I followed her into a lightly painted pink building with ivy running around the outside. As we went inside the smell of food hit me. My tummy rumbled the hunger was almost unbearable. She brought me over to a table with two chairs on eatch side and a pink rose in a little white vase in the middle. I have never seen anything like it was so fancy. These people must be billionaires. I thought.

" So what would you like to eat Maya?" She asked.

" Not fish please! " I said almost imidioutly after she spoke.

" Okay? What about....some fries?" She said.

"What the flip are they?" I asked.

"Oh you will love them! Everybody dose" She said chuckleing.

Then she waved her hand up in the air and a funny looking man came rushing over to us. He talked really weird.

" May I take your order?" He said holding a little notebook and a pen.

I got frightened by him and slowly stood up of my chair.

"Maya are you alright? " asked Josie.

" What is this man planning to do to us?" I asked.

"He is going to give us food?" She said looking at me strangely.

I sat back down.

" Just Some fries Danny please." She said.

" Certainly" He said and began to walk away.

" Oh and Danny!" She yelled. Mabey a chocolate milkshake aswell.

The funny looking man winked at her then dissappear into a door on the wall. She asked me questions upon questions about my life and the island but almost everything I told her was a lie.

A few minutes later the man came out funny looking shrivelled up bananas and a glass full of mud with a paper thing sticking out of it and placed it ofront of me.

" Enjoy!" He said smiling.

" Try them." Said Josie picking up a few out of the basket.

I picked one up.
It was hot.
I put it in my mouth and started chewing.
it diddent taste at all like a banana.
It was amazing!
The best thing I've ever put in my mouth.
I started scoffing them down until the basket was completely empty.
Josie stared at me in shock.

" Wow you must have been hungry!" She said. "Now try this" She said pushing the glass of mud over to me.

" You expect me to drink this! I said in discussed.

" Yes! You will love it!"

I pulled it closer and started smelling it.

" You drink it through the straw" Josie explained.

That must be what this paper thing is
I thought.
I tried putting my mouth on it but nothing happened so I removed it and drank it from the glass.

"Wow!" I said. This is lovely mud! And it's cold aswell where do you get this?"

" It's not mud! Josie said laughing. It's called chocolate.

We talked and laughed with eatchother for hours. She reminded me a bit of Kate.

"Do you have a place to stay?" She asked me.

" No" I said frowning.

" Well you could stay with me if you wanted to...only if you wanted to." She said.

" Yes! I'd love to" I said smiling.

" Great! You will have your own room and we have a pool! You like swimming right? Oh but first there is someone I'd like you to meet!"

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