CHAPTER 3 Dinner for one

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I woke up the next morning to the sun streaming in. It was one of the hottest days so far and there was no way I was going to be staying in doors. Kate was still asleep. This was my chance. But what about food? Then Nick popped into my head. I'll just go to him for dinner then come straight back easy! I quickly grabbed half a coconut from the table and ran out the door. So what to do now? I'm going to have to wait all day. I really diddent think this trough did i???. I looked around for while just picking up shells. Might aswell go for a swim. I hopped in with my cloths on. They should be dry by dinner. I tought to myself. The waves were surprisingly big today there wasent even a slight bit of wind. I started to drift off further and further until I almost couldn't see the shore anymore. I tried to push my self back to the land but for some reason I wasent moving. Then out of know where a girl appeared right onfront of my face. The same girl I saw under water." Who are you!" I screamed. "One of the many who was tricked by him."

"Tricked by who??? "

"Your not safe here he will get you too."

"Who??? what are you talking about!!!"

He lived here in a shack like house made out of trees. Knowbody knows how or why he's here but he lived for many years surviving off fish until one winter the sea starting freezing. All the fish were gone. He was starving...he could last week's without food util one day he had an idea. He built himself a little raft so he could try to get home or back to dry land and he made it...but living on a island on your own for 30 years can damage you. He would sit there and watch the children playing all day then he would pick one he tought looked pretty. He'd always take girls..he would grab her when knowbody was looking and put her on the raft. He would tell the little girls they were going on holidays and there mom would be there aswell. He would make them feel comfortable and safe he'd bring them in his house for a day or more then while they slept he'd take them deep into the forest and hang them up I'm the trees....then he'd take them down...and eat them! He would dump the remains into the sea or buried them in a ditch he made.

My mouth was wide open, and my hands were shaking like crazy.

I tried to talk but nothing would come out.

Wh..w....wh...who done all that!

His name was...Old Nick!

My heart beated louder and louder in my chest I began to feel dizzy.

I forced myself to speak again.

Are you....dead???

She sighed gentley and began to speak.

When he took me from the mainland he told how my mommy would be there too. I knew he was lieing because my mommy had died when I was a baby....I knew something wasent right so I tried to jump out of the raft and swim back to shore. But he was too quick he grabbed my leg and pulled back. He killed me right there and then by drowning me. He then thore me up and ate me. I was wearing a long white dress and blue shoes with a big yellow flower in the middle. He dumped the shoes in the sea and then threw my dress up one of the trees.

"That's why I've been seeing children's cloths everywhere!!! Oh my god im so sorry...."

"No no don't apologies really it was more then fifty years ago you learn to deal with beaing dead. The only thing is I can't go out of the sea I'm trapped..."

Wait!!! if he was liveing on this island for 30 year then it's been 50??? And he was 40 something when he got is that is he still alive!!!

"Because...Man who eats flesh of the young and beautiful will most definitely live forever. "

"Is there any other ghosts on this island??? "

"Over 70 children got murdered by him on this island. I don't think he had a child to eat for many years it I'll be soon when he starts again..."

"I saw him last night in the forest, he asked me to have dinner with him tonight...."

I said gulping hard.

"You mustn't go! you must build yourself a raft and get off this island!"

"Yhe! But if I tell my sister all this she won't belive me. She alredy thinks I'm crazy!"

"Then you must go without her."

"No!!! are you mad...she's my sister the only family I have left I'm not leaving her here to be eaten!"

"Suit yourself..."

She said then disappeared off into the sea. The waves had stopped the sea was completely flat. I swam back into land and rushed up to tell Kate even though she definitely won't belive me. I was almost there when someone started calling me.

It was him..

"Hey Maya!!! Over here I have dinner cooked it's going to be delicious!" He said licking his lips almost salivating.

"No really its okay I can't today maybe another time."

He walked over to me my heart started pounding fast and I felt my eyes getting puffy as if I was to burst out crying.

"Now after me cooking it just for you! That's very rude Maya...I don't like rude people."

He put his arm around me and started almost forcing me to walk along with him.

He brought me into the woods.We diddent say a word to eatchother. I glanced quickly up at the trees to see kids cloths dangling from almost every branch.

"Here we are!" He said happily. Sit down and make yourself at home

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