CHAPTER 5 The bright idea

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The forest was dark but I managed to find my way back home. I was terrified that Old Nick would pop out at any minute. I quickly ran inside And over to kates bed. My eyes started swelling up. Don't cry.
Don't cry be strong Maya!!! I sat on Kate's bed and sobbed my eyes out I couldn't hold the tears back any longer was just to hard.

Something caught the cornor of my eye.
Sitting the end of the bed was a young girl one I had never seen before. She woree a frilly pink dress and had golden curls and plump cheeks.

"He's coming." she whispered softly to me. Her voice could put you to sleep it was soothing.

"Thanks for warning me" I said as I leaned over to check was the raft Kate had told me about there. then the little girl started to talk again. I slowly looked up.

"My name was summer" She began.

"I was seven years old when he took me. I was an only child. I miss my family."

The look on this little girls face was heartbreaking. More tears flowed out of me it was like a never ending cry fest.

She spoke again.

" My mommy and daddy are in heaven waiting for me. Sometimes I hear them calling me and telling me to follow their voices. But something always holds me back."

I was about to start talking when another ghost appeared. But I was not afraid anymore.

"My name was Leila I was twelve years old I miss my family and my friends"

"Im so sorry to here that." I said not knowing what els to say.

Right before my very eyes two more little girls appeared. They were twins.

"We miss our mommy" They said together.

Then another. This one was only a baby with little brown curls and big brown eyes she also had a little black teddybear which she held on tight to. The hatred and anger filled up inside me for what he had done to all these children and there familys.

"I miss dada giveing me piggy backs"

She cried while cuddleing her teddybear.

then what happened next I'll always rember the most. Little girls started appearing all around me all but the one I saw in the Sea. They all had one thing in common. They were all beautiful. I stood up and began to speak as more and more ghosts filled the room.

"What that man done to all of you is unforgivable!!! He has gotten away with this for way to long and it's about time someone stopped him. Even if that means doing it myself.
I think I know why you are all still here...Hatred. You all want revenge. and he's going to get the pain he deserves! I'm not afraid anymore! Its about time he has a TASTE of his own medicine."

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