CHAPTER 11 Meeting at midnight

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I woke up screaming.
Josie came running in to see what was going on.

I sat up in the bed breathing heavily.
I was drenched in sweat.

"Maya, What's going on!" She screamed.

Alice came running in.

" Whats wrong? "She said.

" I...I just had a nightmare.
I said still in shock.

" Well do you want to talk about it?" Asked Josie.

" No!" I said quickly.

"Okay well call me if you need me you know where to find me"
She said then kissed me softly on the head.

Another few weeks went by and I was getting more and more comfortable here in the mainland.
My best friend was Luke.
We go out almost everyday.
I sometimes feel like telling him everything about my life but then my worry of beaing called crazy was holding me back.
The nightmares would happen every single night I learned to put up with it. Sometimes I feel like getting on a boat and going back to the island I dont know why but I sort of miss it there. Besides Old Nick of course.

"Maya, Lukes at the door for you!" Yelled Josie from downstairs.

" I'll be down in a minute!" I responded.

I fixed my hair and sprayed myself with perfume.

"Hey Luke!" I said comeing down the stairs.

" Hey Maya, you wanna take a walk on the beach?" He said.

I tried to stop my thoughts running wild but they were takeing over me.

" Sure" I said hesitating.

I walked out the door forgetting to tell Josie where I was going.
We slowly waked together down to the beach.
I was nervous but the sound of Luke talking seemed to make me less worried.
I could trust him.
We joked and laughed about random stuff and he completely took my mind off everything. Until we got there.

" Maya,Whats wrong..,your shakeing! If you are cold you can put on my jumper." Said Luke with a worried look.

"No no I'm fine. I just....don't really like...the water...Yha! It scares me. I said trying to think of an excuse.

"Maya, I might not have known you that long but I know you long enough!" Said Luke

" That diddent make any sense!" I said laughing.

" Look if you need to tell me something I will understand." Said Luke.

" it gose....wait no! You will think I'm crazy" I said trying to debate wheather I should tell him or not.

" Maya....I already think your crazy" He said chuckleing.

I smiled.
We sat down in the sand and I told him everything.
Every single detail.
After I had finished he just sat there and stared at me.

" Please say something. I said worried he would get up and leave.

" I believe you" He said looking straight into my eyes.

Then something strange happened.
I got this feeling inside of me.
He leaned twoareds me and wrapped his hands around my waist.
Oh no! I thought.
Kate warned me about this.
It's called kissing! But I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and out lips met.

After a a while I pulled away.

" Sorry Kate" I mumbled.

" I'm sorry aswell Kate" Said Luke looking up into the sky as of he could see Kate.

I smiled at him. We walked home holding each other's hands.

" I'll see you tomorrow" He said then kissed me on the cheek and walked home now and again looking back at me.

I walked in the door skipping with a big grin on my face.
Alice took one look at me and realised.

"No way!" She said smirking.

I nodded my head and then quickly ran up the stairs.

That night I fell asleep knowing Old Nick was waiting to come after me in my dreams But this time the nightmare was different.
Kate was on the island.
She pleaded me to come home.
She needed help killing him once and for all.

I woke up in a pile of sweat.

"I have to go back!" I said out loud.

I knocked on the door of Alices room.

"Maya???" She said sitting up rubbing her eyes.

I sat down at the end of her bed.

" Alice listen tomorrow night I am running away, back to where I came from.
Somebody needs my help there.
But I need you to do one thing for me. Do not tell anyone where I'm going. You tell them I'm gone to visit my cousin okay?"

" But Maya it's dangerous" She said as her eyes started to water up.

" No, I will be safe don't you worry. Just please don't tell..." I pleaded.

" Don't worry I'll won't tell a soul." She said wiping her tears away.

" I love you Alice" I said and then softly closed the door and went into my room to pack.

The next day I woke up early and ran over to Lukes house. His mom answered the door.

" Hello Maya, I'll get him for you now." She said the called him to come down.

He came quickly down the stairs.

" Maya, What's up?" He said smiling.

" Luke I'm going back tonight."

"Back to he island!?" He said closing over his door and walking quickly onto the porch.

" Yes...I had a dream last night.
Kate needed my help.
I think it means something.
I am going back to finish off Old Nick...then I'm staying where I belong."

" No! Maya you will die out there." He said in horror.

" Mabey I will...but atleast I'll die where I belong." I said.

" Well I'm coming with you!" Whispered Luke.

" What! No you can't it's to dangerous!" I yelled.

" How? Remember Maya he only eats girls. Said Luke grinning.

" Meet me at the dock at midnight." I sighed.

" Okay" Said Luke.

As I began to walk away he called me back.

" I love you Maya Henderson."

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