CHAPTER 2 Stranger danger

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I walk deeper and deeper into the forest. Chills run down my spine. The trees start to block out the sunlight and it begins to get darker by the minute. I don't think I ever came this far before I became aware of everything around me. Getting ready to jump at any second.

Suddenly I see something pink dangling from the trees above me. It looked like a dress. A tiny kids dress. That's odd I taught first the shoe now this. I also remember the little girl. I got a bit creeped out set off to return home. But it was dark and I wasn't sure of the way...

I remember when we first got hear we had nothing..

No house

No food

No shelter

Nothing...until Kate set  of into the forest to find stuff.

She came back 3 hours later and grabbed me by the hand and led me into the forest with a smile on her face.  The forest was magical the day. The sun shined through the trees and the birds sand sweetly. and you could hear the gentle crash of the waves. compared to now it seemed some what different.

She started to slow down and saw that we were approaching what seemed like a shack like thing.

This is your new home she said to me. It's not much but its better then nothing and there's tons of stuff inside like Food, Fishing rods,Two beds, And a wardrobe with cloths in it! children's cloths. I remember feeling happy about that thinking there must of been other kids that got washed up and lived here and then found there way home. Over time of course the food ran out and I grew out of the cloths but me and Kate learned how to manage around here.

I was all  the way on the other side of the island now which I never been. I didn't know my way around. I was scared....

As I kept on walking something caught my eye from up in the trees. As my eyes adjusted to it I made out what it was a yellow thorn up little girls dress.

"Okay! what is going on with all these kids clothes "I said out load. Suddenly there was a rustling from behind the nearby trees. As far as I knew there was no animals here. Just birds. But this sounded to big to be a bird. The noise of twigs snapping got closer. To afraid to even move I stood there on the ground like I was glued.

Next thing I knew I was chewing my nails of...that was a first.

A shadow came out of the darkness.

A big shadow.

A mans shadow.

A foot appeared from behind the three right next to me.

then a man appeared.

He was really old and his cloths were all thorn up he look like he had just be washed up from a shipwreck or something.

"Hello there."

I forced myself to reply.


What's your name? he said in a friendly gentle voice. he was starting to gain a bit of my trust.

I'm Maya.

"Hello Maya....that's a very pretty name you got there...I'!"

Hello nick I said smiling thinking to myself what a poor old man he must be with no food no home nothing.

Are you from around here? He said chuckling.

Em....Ye I live on the other side of the island in a shack.

His face dropped.

Oh a shack you say.....are you alone? in this shack

No I live with my older sister Kate....where do you live may I ask?

Well...I...I just sorted move around. new places I guess.

Have you been on this place long I asked trying to be polite as I possibly could.

Hahaha! longer then you think. Now Maya what age must you be??? I'm guessing....13?

Yea! How did you know that???

Magic! he said smiling.

Well...I better go back to my sister she would be worried about me.

Oh...wouldn't you come back for dinner Maya! that's really okay I already had my dinner. My tummy rumbled with hunger  but like Kate always said never trust a stranger.

"Oh well maybe another day then."

"Oh well...sure why not. "I said.

"Great, so tomorrow it is then " He said

It will be the best dinner you ever tasted he smirked then before I could say another word he quickly disappear into the forest.

"There you are you little brat!!!" Kate came running over to me.

"I didn't know where you were you told me you were going for a swim Maya! and when I didn't see you in the water do you know how scared I was I taught something happened to you! I even got into the sea and searched for you do you know how selfish you are you had me worried sick and...."

I quickly interrupted her.

"I saw a little bird that was injured and I followed it out here to try and help it...I'm so sorry Kate it won't happen again."

"Darn right it won't happen again because your not leaving the house for a week!!!"

"No please Kate I'm so sorry I..."

"Shut up and get your ass back home before I kick it!"

I didn't dare to say another word even though it was hard not to. Really hard in fact. I followed Kate back to the house she seemed to know her way around.

When we got back there was a fish lieing on the table." It's for you... "said Kate in a angrily tone." I'm not that hungry." I said even though the hunger was starting to become unbearable now. "I spent time catching that fish now eat it! "I walked slowly over to the table and stared at the fish. "I'm sick of having fish every single day Kate why can't you make something else. "What else is there Maya! "I don't know...why don't you go looking for some new stuff...."

"Em...let me think about that one...NO!"

"I bet Nick doesn't always eat fish! he's not lazy like you."    "Maya who's Nick???"

Oh god what have I done...

"Em...a guy who lives here...and no I'm not imagining it! "

"Maya nobody lives here but us why can't you understand that your loosening your mind!"

"No Nick wants me to come have dinner with him tomorrow! he's already nice man i think he got shipwrecked."

Kate just burst out laughing.

Well it's a pity your grounded then isn't it. Hahaha tell your old friend Nick he will have to make you dinner some other time....loser!

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