I listen as she changes her language into Thai, I somehow liked hearing it.

In this trip there were so many things I learned to like about Lisa, it wasn't so bad giving her a shot. Shaking my head, I frown to myself.

There was no way I was going to fall for her.

I could try to like her at the extent of friendship, but that's it. Letting her in more than I can handle is bad for me. Reminisce what Jisoo said Jennie, I reminded myself.

"Remember, she'll end up hurting you. Just like your Mom and Dad."

A slam of the car door can be heard in the other line snapping me from my depressing thoughts. "I'm at the lobby, are you done yet?"

Getting my small Chanel backpack, I jog out of my room. My mother was already out doing who knows what.

I could only guess that she bought her work with her too. It was to be expected yet somehow I am disappointed.

Locking the room, I sashayed towards the elevator.

"Good morning," Lisa startled me, she was inside the elevator waving sheepishly.

"I thought you were at the lobby?" I raise my brow in amusement.

She chuckles, "I WAS at the lobby."

She exactly wore black overalls, with a camera hanging from her neck.

"You missed me too much," I joke, stepping inside the lift. She looks at me with those glittering eyes of hers, "I did."

Her honesty caught me off guard. She studies my face with an intensity I couldn't reciprocate.

"Are you blushing right now?" She asks in awe, her smile beyond anything else's and her eyes shouting million of things that pointed to joy.

Shoving her gently, I whisk my head to look the other way, closing the elevator doors and pressing the ground floor.

Am I really blushing?

Checking my face on the elevator mirror, I wasn't.

"Yah you liar!" I smack her arm.

She laughs, hugging my side to stop my attacks, "I'm sorry, it was just too funny how startled you were."

"Don't do that," I whine and pointed at her. She smiles, hugging me tighter so now both of us were facing far too close to each other.

"Don't do what?" She repeats in English, her voice mimicking a husky tone.

"Don't tease me like that," I take on the challenge. Does she really think I'm this easy just because we're now in good terms?

"Like what?" She leans closer, our lips barely touching. Now my heart was racing for reasons that I was certain I was afraid of.

"Like telling me lies and like this," I gesture to the both of us.

She tilts her head slightly, her jawline exposing itself.

Oh crap why haven't I noticed that before?

"What do you mean both of us?"

Sighing in frustration, I felt like I was talking to a child who needed to understand why the sky was blue.

This was one of the reasons why I hated being around Lisa. Lisa was a kid, and I never knew when she was playful and when she was serious.

"Lisa don't play me, you know what I mean."

She sadly grins, letting go but not quite as her hands settled protectively on my waist.

"How come you never believe me?" She was hurt, her eyes speaking the words she sealed inside.

I Hated Her || JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now