A Sorting that was much awaited [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

Well, I can't really blame her either. I'd rather we meet where we both are at ease rather than an uncomfortable meeting. I shrugged and nodded, and you'll find out who's Al in a while.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the Weasley twins grinning their asses off at how I elicited a reaction from Minnie. They were silently about to set off a firecracker to follow some poor unsuspecting kid, but Minnie saw and gave them a hard glare, after which they extinguished the flame.

Minnie spotted Will, who silently smiled at our interactions, standing behind me. She whispered quite softly, but Will could hear it.

"Hmmm, so this is my future nephew-in-law? Not bad, kid, he's a good one."

This got us both blushing, much to the confusion of the eavesdropping students. We didn't really bother with a silencing barrier since it's nothing important. She waved us off back to our place as we waited to get sorted.

I wonder what I'll get... Bia was in Gryffindor, but I don't think I'm THAT brave. I believe I'm a lot more cunning than brave, so probably Slytherin. Draco is in Slytherin, I believe? I told Will what I was thinking, and he chuckled and told me I was just as brave as I was cute. Oof, the audacity of this man to call me cute. Ahem, I am Hot, with a capital H.

If I'm right, people from that house are pretty hated, since apparently, all the snobs gather there. What a shame! This prejudice is just sad. Almost every 'snob' I've met were the sweetest thing ever, albeit some true snobs. Take Jeremy/Draco for example, people at camp apparently shied away from him since he looked so pretentious and just stuck around Cienna. He turned out to be a fantastic friend and great company. He's been telling me he had a crush but I still haven't figure out who.

I completely tuned out the Sorting Hat's introduction and what-not, and instead guessed which house Will would get. I'm guessing Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw is also good. But I lean more towards Hufflepuff since he's just so great with everyone. He's the kindest person I know, right after Lady Hestia. Soon, I felt Will hold my hand a little tightly.

Ah, it's our turn, Minnie just announced about the exchange students. Aw, he's nervous, how cute. I squeezed his hand and smiled.

He made his way to the stage and the hat was placed on him. I could see some girls and few boys blushing when he came out. Dang it, Will. He was fine for a few seconds, then I saw how he started cold sweating and winced. I was about to run onto the podium and throw the hat off of him, but Minnie held me back.

Soon the hat yelled out Gryffindor and the table cheered. Will slowly wobbled out and when he passed by me he mentioned it makes you see your memories, that's why he looked so tired. He asked if I could deal with that and I nodded, he told me he'll see me later.

Ah, okay, I can deal with that. I've not completely healed but I have learned to accept my past, thanks to everyone I now know and love. Percy really helped out a lot, and he's given me some great advice: Don't try to forget the past, but remember you are in the present because of it. Bad things are always gonna be there but it doesn't mean the good isn't. You just gotta get to the blue cream in the stuffed doughnut.

Yea, I think he was kinda hungry when he told me that, but it did help.

I slowly made my way to the podium and sat on the stool, the hat was placed on my head and a raspy and old voice was heard in my head.

'My boy, let me see your past so that I can determine your house.'

' It's okay, I'll just go to Slytherin.'

'What? No! Do you mind if I see your memories, it's my job?'

'I mind.'

'Please kid, I gotta do my job and you're lucky there's no kid after you.'

'It's pretty bad, lol. You sure you wanna see it?'

'It's alright, I can handle a few bad memories.'

'If you say so...'

Soon my memories flowed and I went into a floaty headspace and I faintly heard the hat screaming before going completely silent. I slowly came to and waited for the hat to give me the results.

'My boy, I'm sorry and thankful for your presence and your feats. Please save this place and it's people. I'll announce you as Slytherin, as you wish.'

The hat gave a loud cough to the scared audience and loudly announced.

"The child has CHOSEN Slytherin, and I pray you all would treat him with the respect he deserves."

Loud chatter and hushed conversations were heard all over the hall about me. Guess the hat doesn't speak much normally? Look at me, Mr Popular!

I made my way to the silent table, boo no cheers for me? Silently chuckling I made way to the shocked Draco.

"Sup blondie!" And I proceeded to slap his head, making the surrounding students gasp.

"Ow, shut up. What was all that about?"


He nodded and slowly cheer returned to the hall with the people near me wondering who I was since I looked close to Draco.

I could spot Will from his table, next to Harry and his gang who looked busy discussing something, probably me. He mouthed if I was alright and I internally swooned at how sweet he was as I nodded.

Soon Minnie came up and started a new announcement.

"Attention! This year we have a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, and we are proud to have an old student back. Let's welcome..."


Cliffhanger, y'all! but thanks for keeping up with my story for so long ... I genuinely adore reading the comments and I just read it again and again when I'm kinda down. So THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! Sorry for the late update btw... till later then!!

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