Balsams and purple Syringias

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"Yes. But none of my friends or family members know i'm gay, so i want to come out before we tell them were in a relationship." Minho answered with a smile. "Of course. I should probably tell the others i'm gay too." Jisung answered thoughtfully. "Wait. Let's just act like normal, and see how long it takes them" Minho said with a evil smirk. "I'm proud of you." Jisung answered before giving Minho a quick peck on the lips. "Let's watch meteor garden instead of a movie." Jisung said earning a nod from the older.

The two fell asleep not even 10 minutes in to the first episode. Minho's arms were holding around Jisung's shoulders, and their legs were tangled together. They both woke up from Jisung's alarm in the morning. "Do we really have to go to school?" Minho croaked out. "Yes, we skipped yesterday. Besides, it's Friday so we can spend the entire weekend together." Jisung answered with a tired smile. "But my face and neck is full of hickeys." Minho complained, "You can have my big hoodie, and i'll give you a mask." Jisung quarreled back. "Fineee. But then i get to shower first." Minho said before standing up and walking to Jisung's closet. "We can shower together." Jisung smirked. "Oh my god. Will you ever stop that?!" Minho half yelled back. "Not as long as you have that perfect body of yours." Jisung said before picking out a pair of white skinny jeans and a yellow hoodie and tossing them at Minho. "That's way to bright. Why do you even have these clothes?" Minho answered looking at the bright clothes in his hands. "Because you would look like a fucking five course meal in them." Jisung answered before taking a hold of Minho's arm and dragging him to the bathroom.


"Why are you wearing a mask again?" Woojin asked as the two boys walked in to the kitchen. "I- eh- uhh." Minho panicked. "He has a busted lip. And doesn't want the school to tell his parents." Jisung saved his boyfriend. "Oh, do you wan't me to look at it? I'm good with treating wounds." Chan said from behind the stove. "No, Jisung already helped me out." Minho said quickly. "We need to go now, see you after school." Jisung said before slipping on his shoes. "Bye bye." Minho said before following the younger out the door.
"JISUNG! How am i going to eat?!" Minho suddenly said. "I'll think of something." Jisung answered with a chuckle. "You are so going to pay for this." Minho mumbled under his breath, making the younger laugh even more.

"Hi guys!" Felix yelled from the back of the classroom. All of the boys except Jeongin, shared the first period on Friday morning. "Hi." Jisung and Minho waved back. "Why are you wearing so bright clothes?" Hyunjin asked once they sat down on their seats. "And why the mask? Are you feeling sick Minho?" Seungmin added. "No reason, i just wanted to try something new." Minho answered back with gritted teeth. "I like it." Felix said smilingly. "Me too." Jisung added on. "But why the mask?" Hyunjin asked impatiently. "Not important." Jisung answered before Minho could say anything. "What are you two hiding?" Seungmin said looking at the two with curious eyes. The couple simply just laughed before the teacher came in to the class and shut them up.

Once the class was over, Minho took a hold of Jisung's arm. "Hurry up." He whined. "What do you want?" Jisung said with a smile. "I'm hungry. And you need to come up with some way i can eat." Minho whispered in order to not let the others hear. "Yeah yeah. Come on." Jisung said before standing up. 
"Where are you going?" Seungmin asked once he saw the two boys starting to walk out. "The child needs food!" Jisung yelled without turning around. "I'm older than you!" Minho protested while hitting his boyfriend on the arm. "Oh, Hyunjin said something about being hungry too. Wait up!" Felix yelled before rushing to the couple. "Sorry mate. I would allow you guys to come with, but i don't want you too." Jisung said playfully, again earning a hit from Minho. "Ok, Ok. I'm sorry bab--barista boy..." Jisung almost slipped up and called Minho babe. "Barista boy?" Felix asked confused. Minho was hysterically laughing, and Jisung had a funny look on his face. "Forget it. Come on Minhoe." Jisung said before mindlessly taking Minho's hand in his, and walking out. 

"You are aware that you are holding my hand, right?" Minho said after they had walked out of the classroom and up to the roof. Both of them knew no-one really came up there, so it was a great place to let Minho breath for a second. "Oh shit." Jisung said, and quickly dropped Minho's hand. "You're such a moron, and i think you know that." Minho said with a smile. "Yeah i know. Take off the mask now, i want to kiss you." Jisung said. "You are so impatient." Minho smiled before taking off the mask. Jisung basically threw himself on Minho, his hand cupping the older's face and his lips softy pressed on the others.

"Jisung. It's class." Minho said smiling. He had just ate his first meal with Jisung as his boyfriend, and he couldn't be happier. Nothing could knock him down, absolutely nothing. 

Or so he thought. 


AHHHHHH Please support my babies Got7 with their comeback

And when Nct127 comes back, please support them too 
{I'm so happy they added JungUWU✧*・゚**✭}

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