The door opens, and I see Jack in his black suit, like usual, smiling at me. "Busy?" I shake my head, even though I kind of have lots of work to do.

"Why did you come here?" I ask him.

"I have a meeting near here and decided to visit you and dad." I smiled at him. "Why with that smile, huh?"

"It's been a while since we had a chance to talk, you know. So I'm just happy when you're here."

Why do you have a problem with Hayes? What did he do? Do you want me to ask people to beat him up?" I laugh at him.

"No no. I don't have any problems with him at all. I'm so happy with him now. It seems like he's the one. Don't you think so?"

Well, maybe yes and maybe not."

"I hope he's the one. Pray for me, Jack." He nods his head, and I smile at him. "Oh yeah, um, Jack, can you help me with something?" I ask him because suddenly I remember the revenge that I want to take on Niall, Brandon, and Grayson.

"Help with what?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Revenge." I wriggled my eyebrows, as I expected. He didn't agree with it. "But why? Please, just this time, and I won't ask you to do stupid things like that anymore." I pleaded, but she didn't agree with me.

"You guys are just too childish. What did they do to you today, huh?" He leans back in the chair in front of my desk.

"They ruin my dream. I almost said yes to Hayes, and we're going to get married, but then they just threw cold water on me and made me drenched. Then they didn't even say sorry for ruining my beautiful dream and also making my bed soak. I explain to him, leaving him to chuckle at me. "What? Funny? Yeah, so funny, right?"

Look, Gia, that's just a dream, and also, they did that to you, maybe because you're so deep in your sleep, and who knows, that's the only way to wake you up."

Wait, are you backing them up too?" I scoff. "I can't believe this. You're always on my side, no matter what. What happened today?" I act sad.

"I'm not taking any side in this stupid thing. So if you want to take revenge, then do it yourself. I'm not interested." He said.

"Guess you don't love your younger sister anymore. Well, okay, then I understand." I continued to do my work and heard him sigh because I knew my plan was working.

"Just in this one." He said, and I jumped with joy. I go to him and hug him. "I know I love you, my sweet little sister."

"I know!" I hug him and then tell him about the plan. He looks regretful, but he can't take what he said to me. Hah!


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jack asks me for it thousands of times.

"Jack, you agree with this, and can you please stop asking me the same question over and over again?" I know three of them will be so furious with what I'm going to do, but they're the ones who started this war first.

During lunchtime, I and Jack went home with our weapons. We checked to see if mom was here before we got into the house, and we both quickly ran upstairs to Niall's room first. "You know what? I feel like I'm a thief in my own house." I chuckle at him because this is the very first time he wants to help me with my revenge. I am so excited.

"So, now that Niall was the one who planned the war this morning, he's going to have lots of surprises waiting for him. Hurry up." I and Jack bought lots of slime to put in Niall's room. I think we just bought more than we needed, but who cares? This is going to be exciting.

I put the slime all over the room, especially on his bed. His bed is white, so now the colour changes to green. I'm sorry, Niall, but I meant it! After an hour, both of us were finally done. Not only in the room but also in the bathtub. He's going to love it.

"This is really crazy, Gia. You're so dead." Jack said, and I just laughed.

"Let's go to Grayson's room." We walk to Grayson's room, and this time, we're not going to put the slime in his room because we did put all the slime in Niall's room. So for him, I'm just going to put lots of fake snakes in. It is because he once put a real cockroach in my room—not only one, but like five or maybe more. I think this is the best time to get my revenge on him. He hates snakes, and now I'm putting lots of fake snakes under his blanket, under his pillow, in his walk-in closet, and a few in the toilet. Take that.

So the last one is Brandon's turn. Jack, lighten up. Didn't you feel this was so much fun?" I said to him, but he just shook his head.

"Well, I don't know. But if you want to do another revenge, COUNT ME IN!" He said that, and I was surprised when he said that. He smiles so happily at me.

"Really?! Yes, I've got you on my team. Welcome teammate." I high-fived with him, and now we're putting dye in Brandon's shampoo. It is because he once made my hair turn blue, and when I said blue, I meant it was really blue. I can't go out with my boyfriend because of him for a few days. This is payback. I put pink on it. After that, I replaced his favourite cologne with pepper spray, but not to make it too obvious, I made the bottle the same with the exact cologne. I know I am brilliant.

"Okay, we're done here. Let's get out of here." We both sneak out of this house. The maids looked at us weirdly but didn't say anything. That's a good thing that mom is not at home right now.

"I can't wait to see their reaction. You have to be there too, alright?"

I'm kind of excited too. I never feel like this, but I don't, maybe because this is fun."

"Well, I'll see you later. Bye Bye." I wave goodbye to him and get into my car. We both ride our own cars to come here because it's just so much easier.

Then, We both headed back to the office.

I am excited to see if this plan is working.


It's wartime for Gia, Niall, Brandon, and Grayson. What did you think about the payback that Gia did to them?

How's Chapter 2?

I hope you guys like it.

Don't forget to





Much love from me.

Little Munchkin

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