Everything forms in my vision as the black scene fades away. The honking car was has stopped a few inches from me. I breathe deeply when I find myself unharmed. The driver gets out of her car and runs toward me. She kneels beside me.

"I'm so sorry," I say. My heart's beating so hard.

"Are you okay?" She asks with a concerned tone.

I look at her with a blank expression. "What?"

"Are you okay?" She repeats.

"I... excuse me. Yeah. I am." I put my forelock behind my ears to look slightly better and try to get up. She helps me to my feet. "I'm so sorry for that. I should've been more careful."

"It's fine. Don't apologize anymore." She helps me dust off my clothes. My knee's wet. I notice it's bleeding. My palms are a little bloody too.

"Great," I say when I find my phone crashed on the asphalt.

She picks up my stuff. "Come on. Come with me." She gestures for me to get in her car.

"What? No. I have to go home."

"Come on. I'll take you home."

"You don't have to. I'm just fine."

The cars behind her vehicle honk. She impatiently grabs my arm and drags me to her car. "Come on!" She helps me get in her car. I look out the window and watch the streets as she drives past them. "So..." she breaks the silence, "how are you feeling?"

I move in my seat a little to face her. "Fine."

"I'm taking you to the hospital to check if you're okay."

"You didn't even hit me. I just tripped and fell."

"Just let me see if you're okay."

"Seriously, I'm fine."

She looks at me for a second and smiles. "At least let me check if you're okay," she says, emphasizing 'me'.

"Fine." I give up and look out of the window again.

She stops at a women's clinic and unbuckles her seat belt. "Let's go."

"Why are we here?"

She opens the door. "Come on."

"How did you know?"


"How did you find out?" The door handle will come off if I hold it a little tighter.

"It's my workplace. I'm a gynecologist. My clinic was closer, so I drove here. I can help you with the wound." She points at my knees.

"Oh." I feel relieved.

"Now, come with me."

We enter the clinic. Zoey cleans my knees with alcohol and then puts gauze on them. "Does it hurt?" She asks.

"No. It's nothing. Thank you. I'm sorry I got you in trouble."

She hands me her phone. "You wanna let your family know you're safe? They might be worried by now."

"It's okay. I-I don't have a family."

"What's your name?"


"I'm Zoey. Wanna grab a bite and a drink?"

I look at her light brown eyes. "Now? It's almost 1 am."

She smiles. "Is that a yes?"

I want to refuse, but the thought of Chinese hits me, and I crave it. "Sure. Let's eat, But I'm gonna pay."

MESSED UP - completed!Where stories live. Discover now