She Better Died

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Time is running out for Sana to be able to protect herself. She can't do anything. She can't move at all. She can't bite the thing which tying her because it's wires and her mouth is covered by a sheet.

Four or five people approached her with disgusting smile, full of lust. Sana could only sheed her tears. Hoseok's face crossed her mind and she started to sobbing. She misses him, she needs him, she doesn't want to make him sad if these people were able to touch her.

"Yah, you're really an angel aren't you? I've been dreaming to fuck a Twice member especially Sana,"said one of them, he was looking at Sana with disgusting smile.

"Well, I'm doing charity to clean my sins,"the masked girl said while checking her nails.

'You can't be forgiven for what you do!!! Please let me go!' Sana screamed but ofc, her voice can't be heard perfectly.

"Huh? You said something? Yah guys, what are you doing huh? Just start it make her weak and lost her conscious,"the masked girl demanded the men.

'NO!!!!!!!'Sana screamed again with her muffled mouth as one of them ripped her clothes. The other one licked her ear, making Sana cried in disgusted and the other ones are groping her body.

Oppa, please come... please.

As much as Sana prays, as much as she hopes Hoseok to come and rescue her, the men touched her even more. Crying, hurting, devastating are what she can only do and feel right now. As much as she wanted to struggle, her body got hurt even more because of the wires. It even hurts her skin until it bleeds.

"Oh, please don't struggle. Look your beautiful and smooth skin is bleeding now,"said one of them.

"Stop!!!!"she screamed as one of them removed the sheet on her mouth, but her voice got muffled again by a dirty mouth. Sana was crying when a stranger kissed her lips. She got so mad until she bit the man's tongue when he was success entering her mouth.

"Oh fucking bitch! That hurts!!!! Damn!!!!!"the man jumped out. Sana wasn't able to bite it until it breeding but the man got so angry.

"Shit!!!! I'm going to rape you now!!!"he said.

"No!!!!!!"Sana screamed when he kissed her lips again and won't give her chance to bite him again.

BANG!!!!!! *Loud sounds of things breaking, sorry idk how to write*

_one hour before_

"Please pick my call please!!!!"

"Sehun, still not picking up?"asked Chanyeol who's driving the car.

"Yes hyung, her phone is actually dead. Damn it!!!"Sehun groaned frustratedly.

"Let's just find the picture sender location,"Chanyeol suggested.

"I already found it, I already contacted 911 before this and they promised me to send the location. Now they sent it already...wait,"Chen is checking his phone.

"I know where it is! It's in xxx!"

"Hyung!"Sehun signaled Chanyeol but the older one already turned the steer fastly before he got the signal. Not long after that, Hoseok is calling Sehun.

"Hello? What is it Hoseok?"he asked.

"Sehun, do you perhaps know...where Sana is? She's disappeared,"Hoseok said on the other line.

"Well... it's a perfect time for you to call me. Sana is kidnapped by a sasaeng, she's in xxx and we're on the way there,"Sehun answered.

_back to present time_


The masked girl, the men who's trying to rape Sana and Sana are looking to the direction where the loud sounds came from.

From the darkness appeared those who made Sana thanks the God when seeing them. She's already struggling enough and suddenly lost her strength. But it's okay, she's at least safe now when they came. The first face she saw was of course, her husband. He immediately punched and threw the men who's still touching her and checked her condition first.

"Sana, you okay?!"he asked worriedly, checking her face. She looked pathetic but she was able to gave him her thin smile although she's so exhausted.

Hoseok looked at her ripped clothes, he despised the men who dare to touch her. Anger immediately conquering him but he needs to cut the wires since he saw her skin is already bleeding.

"I'm sorry that gotta be hurt...if only I didn't let you go home alone,"he held his tears as he's removing the wires from her body. As he's rescuing her, Jimin and Sehun with the others are already busy fighting the bad guys and Namjoon with Chen already captured the masked girl.

"Tell us why you kidnapped and torturing her?!!!"Namjoon snapped.

"Because she has to die. That's it,"the masked girl said the laughing.

"Tch, crazy bitch. You'll regret this!"Chen tightened his grip on her wrist.

"Oppa! Watch out!!!!"Sana with the rest of her strength screamed as one of the guy escaped from Jimin, Yoongi, Chanyeol and Sehun's rage.

Hoseok was thrown to the floor after he got a punch from the guy. The guy started to punch him and they started to fighting. Jimin realized that Sana was off guard and they're actually fighting against 6 persons when they're just four who's able to fight them because Namjoon and Chen are busy dealing with the masked girl. So Jimin knocked down the guy he's fighting now and ran to Sana immediately.

"Sana, please hang on,"he said with sad voice as he continued to untying the wires and covered her almost naked body with his jacket. As she was released from the wires, her body goes weaker and she almost fell if Jimin didn't catch her.

That's when the tragedy begin...

When Jimin was holding her body, Sana caught a sight of one of the guy running to their direction with a short sword. Either to stab her or Jimin... Sana was screaming so loud with tears brimming on her eyes.

"OPPA WATCH OUT!!!!!!"she screamed as she's pushing Jimin's body aside.

I'm sorry...😔

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