Chapter 12: Crashing Discoveries

Start from the beginning

It was like a white light surrounded her when he first opened his eyes only to be faced with her back. A woman that lit a fire in him that he had never felt with the last girl. That was probably because she wasn't a woman like Serenity. Serenity, could take care of herself is what she claimed barely scraping by with that Zaxby's check but this time she was his to take care of. To groom and to treat her like the diamond queen she was.


"Iana, sweetheart I'm home, you know your father is a tough man to convince," Francesco said throwing this jacket on the couch. A 10-carat diamond ring that he had paid thousands of dollars for. A pretty new car an all black Bugatti Veyron with a white bow planted on top. Romantic dinner waiting for both of them.

This was the woman that he was planning to marry a typical Italian woman. Almost a model couple if you looked at them. He had asked for her hand from her father and now all he needed to do was pop the question.

"Iana?" Francesco called out again. He had come home early after she kept complaining to him not spending time with her. He was always at the office, he had big plans to expand this business his father had kept afloat. Something so big that he could probably retire after it, start a family, and spend his days with his soon to be wife.

He had walked up the stairs cautiously not making any sound he had finally mastered not making sound from his Zia Rose. He had been training with her for years for her to be old and frail she could move like she was a 20-year-old woman. She could easily trick her opponents and kill them so quickly.

Francesco opened the door to his bedroom to find Iana going down on another man. Giving the man eye contact and moaning like she enjoyed it. Francesco pulled out his gun and shot the man like it was second nature to him. A suppressor was at the end of his gun so no one in the house made heard it. Iana looked up in terror at Francesco and got up quickly.

"I called your name," Francesco laughed the gun still rested in his hand like it was a new attachment. "You couldn't answer because you had your mouth full, you dirty slut."

"Fran, Baby," Iana started. "I can explain, please."

"How long?" Francesco asked. Iana shook her head refusing the answer him. "I ASKED HOW FUCKING LONG?!" He shouted at her and held the gun to her head.

"five years Francesco," Iana said finally. "Two years before we met."

"So, you've been lying to me for three DAMN YEARS!" Francesco through a vase against the wall. Iana cried her heart out. "I thought you loved me! ME! You just wanted me for my money!"

"Francesco, you stupid son-of-a-bitch! Why do you think I stayed?!"

"Fuck you."

"You monster, I hate you!" Iana said spitting out venom in her words. "What are you going to do? My father would crush you and you know it! Just accept that you've been played, Francesco."

"Shut the fuck up!" Francesco said slapping her. Iana felt the sting across her face and she was in shock. "Yea, Ricci, Lester, call the cleanup crew I've got some fresh meat to torture."

Iana tried running out the room but Francesco had her by her hair beating her head against the wall to knock her out. Here he had thought he was making progress with his anger it was pouring out of him. Like fine wine that had aged because it was saved for a special occasion.

He had tortured her slow and thorough made sure she had no time to catch a breath. Blood all on his suit and some in his hair. He had done some gruesome things to her even taking some of her limbs. He threw the body in a huge casket along with her lovers and put them on a cargo plane. Their bodies were dropped in the middle of the sea lost in the ocean. Her father had found out and tried to kill Francesco but that didn't work out. Francesco made it his mission to kill off all of his enemies or anyone that opposed him. It was apart of his plan anyway he was going to expand his territory. If it meant killing the woman he once loved then so be it.

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