You Can't Deflect This (Fox X Link)

Start from the beginning

It's been years since Melee and now the creators have made new plans with a whole new game: Brawl.

   Different game mechanics and styles were put into place and abundance of new material were to be explored!

   To showcase these new changes, Master Hand and the other creators put together a fight on the newly designed Final Destination. Link vs Fox yet again. This time, instead of two stocks, they only had one, only making things more stressful.

   The two were summoned into the arena and made their grand entrances. They stood at opposite sides, staring each other deep into the eyes as the announcer counted down. Neither of them knew of these different mechanics that had been in store for them, but nothing will stop them from having a good battle.

   "Three, two, one, go!" With that, the two went at it.

   Link immediately pulled out his bomb while Fox pulled out his blaster. The red laser beams added tiny chunks of damage. The stinging from the beams didn't bother the warrior, although he gritted his teeth at how carelessly he reacted.

   He threw his bomb at Fox, causing him to use his forward special to dodge it. Link smiled, knowing that his plan was going underway. He charged with a dash attack, giving off proper damage to Fox. The starfox commander only flew a short distance, allowing Link to snag him with his hook.

   He began pummeling him with the handle of his sword, but Fox struggled enough to be set free and dashed away.

   Link's smile grew wider. It seemed as though Fox had decreased in speed. He was still fast, but not as fast as he was in Melee.

   Link got another bomb and threw it at Fox. He just simply used his shine, but the warrior noticed that his shine was a lot slower than usual. The bomb didn't reach him and just exploded on the ground.

   What has changed?, Link thought. Perhaps he had the upper hand now. Who knew. His bombs were different. Maybe his arrows and boomerang?

  Link charged up an arrow. Fox took this as an opportunity to shoot more lasers. Link let it go. Before fox could even summon his shine, he got square in the chest with the arrow. Link could see the frustration in his face as he had trouble managing his newly adjusted ability.

   Fox was above fifty percent at this point. A charged forward air by the ledge would definitely seal the deal.

   Link knew it would be a cheeky thing to do, but he summoned more and more bombs and arrows and sent them flying at Fox. Fox got hit by a few, but managed to dodge them by humping. Having enough of his antiques, Fox charged at him a forward b and then hit Link with a powerful combo.

   Link grunted in pain as he quickly went from zero percent to a wapping seventy-four percent. He was sent flying, but slowly descended back down onto the ground.

  After the beating, Fox let Link recover from it and sat on the ledge. He smirked, sat on the ledge, and released a heavy fire of red lased beams. He could play the spam game as well.

   Link stood up and slowly walked up to him, his shield soaking up all the damage. The warrior chuckled as Fox's smirk dropped from his face.

   He could see that the fox didn't know what to do. He didn't want to charge into the warrior and get punished with a slash of his sword or his hook. Link could also use his boomerang to blow him away, which the warrior just discovered. He backed away, thinking of an option of approach.

   Yet, Fox let a blood curdling scream as he tripped over the ledge. Link gasped as he heard the horrific sound. Never had he wanted it to end the match like this. Link realized how unfair he was during the match, exploiting his nerfed shine and spamming him with needless amounts of bombs and arrows.

  Suddenly, he saw Fox's hands and head pop from the side of the ledge. He must of grabbed it in time, he thought. He could see that he was struggling to get up.

  Link launched his boomerang. Fox winced as he expected it to hit him, but the winds surrounding the boomerang pushed Fox onto the stage.

   He was flabbergasted by the sudden rescue. "What? Why did you save me?"

   Link rubbed the side of his arm. "It was a way of saying that I am sorry."

  "Huh, sorry for what?"

   "I treated you poorly during this match. I didn't give you time to adjust to your new self."

   Fox grinned softly. "Oh buddy, you're turning soft on me again. Y'know, everythings fair game when it comes to matches."

  "I-I know, I know." Link could already feel the emotions coming. But instead of feeling just feeling them, he was trying to express them. But express what? "I just felt like I've done something wrong and...I want to repay you for it."

   "Repay me? Link, you don't have to..." Fox trailed off when Link walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss.

   He just stood there. Motionless. Until he suddenly burst into laughter. "I knew it! Now I know why you were being a softy!"

   Link was finally able to express his feelings for Fox, but only to be felt hurt in return. "You don't like me?"

   "Ehehe, yeah, I do." His reassurance sounded fake, which only made Link's eyes grow sadder.

  Fox sighed and wiped the smile off of his face. "Look Link, I didn't know you would have feelings for me. I thought it would be stupid for you to think of as more of a friend and I thought about the same for me. And so I pushed back my feelings and just laughed as them as they were as joke. Knowing that you truly wouldn't have, but I was wrong." He chuckled and he grinned once more. "So wrong."

   "Perhaps we should try? My love is real and I at least want to show it and share it with you."

   "I'll give it shot." Fox smirked and made a handgun motion at Link's heart.

   "Watch out, you can't deflect this!" Link joked and shot it back.
   They both started laughing and and smiled at one another. But suddenly Master Hand came onto the battlefield to ruin their moment.

   "You two were supposed to finish eachother off!" He barked. "Now the trailer for the game is going to be ruined!"

   "Wait, trailer?" They both said in unison.

   "Yes! The trailer! Y'know what, forget it. We'll get other smashers to participate in the trailer. You two go off, you can kiss and make goo-goo eyes somewhere else." Master Hand flew away.

   Fox and Link couldn't help but snicker at Master Hand.

   "Man, he's too much," Fox said. "How about we make our way to the mansion? Get a couple of drinks in the 'man cave'?"

   Link shrugged. "Why not?" 

   With that, the newly found couple spend the rest of their day drinking with eachother and making a few jokes now and then.

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