Mia (Five)

148 2 0

New York, New York

February 27

(21 weeks)

"I can't believe that I'm halfway through my pregnancy." Mia said shocked to Charlie.
"Your over halfway now." Charlie commented.
"Only by a week." Mia laughed.

Charlie has been spending a lot of time with Mia since Aatto broke up with her. It is still unknown whether he was just doing it out if pity or not, but either way Mia was happy to have company and someone to talk to. Charlie has also been giving Mia rides to her appointments for the baby.

"Charlie." Mia said.
"Yeah." Charlie responded.
"Why are you doing this?" Mia asked.
"Doing what?" Charlie asked.
"This."Mia answered.
"What?" Charlie asked.
"Caring and being so nice to me, and giving me rides to my appointments." Mia answered.
"I don't know." Charlie answered.
"Yeah you do." Mia said.
"I feel sorry for you." Charlie answered.
"I knew it." Mia said serious.
"Mia I'm sorry." Charlie said.
"Whatever!" Mia yelled walking out if the house and heading to school.

Charlie ran out of the house after Mia yelling her name over and over again. Mia simply turned around and flung up the middle finger on her left hand, flipping off her brother.

"Thanks sis, that's nice!" Charlie yelled as Mia turned around.

Mia didn't answer, she just keep walking holding up her middle finger.

When Mia got to school, she was be on pissed. The fact that her brother was hanging out with her out of pity.

"Miss Link, detention!" Principle Grip said walking out of the office as Mia slammed her locker shut.
"What." Mia said shocked.
"You heard me. You have detention after school." Principle Grip said.
"What for." Mia asked.
"Slamming your locker." Principle Grip answered.
"What that's bullshit!" Mia yelled.
"That's another day, Miss Link." Principal Grip said.
"What." Mia yelled.
"Do you want to make it three days?" Principle Grip asked.
"No ma'am." Mia answered.
"That's what I thought." Principal Grip smiled.

Mia made her way to class, madder than she was when she was just mad at Charlie. When she thought that her day couldn't get any worse, she got two days of detention.

After school Mia made her way down the hallway to room 304 where detention is held.

"Mia." Aatto said in shock.
"Aatto?" Mia said confused.
"What are you doing here Mia?" Aatto asked.
"I have detention." Mia said.
"Yeah right. For what?" Aatto laughed.
"Slamming my locker, and cussing at Principle Grip." Mia answered.
"Ha, classic." Aatto answered.
"Anyway how's that new of yours going." Mia said.
"Its going. How's the baby." Aatto asked.
"Oh now your concerned." Mia said.
"I've always been concerned, Mia." Aatto said.
"Right." Mia laughed.
"Whats the gender?" Aatto asked.
"Its a boy." Mia answered.
"A boy." Aatto said shocked.
"Yeah a boy." Mia rolled her eyes and took a seat.
"Why didn't you tell me that were having a boy." Aatto said.
"I figured if you wanted to know then you would ask me." Mia said putting her headphone in.

The next two hours flew by and before Mia knew it she was in the front seat of her mom's minivan heading home.

"Mia what did you do to get detention." Mia's mom asked.
"I slammed my locker close and cussed at the principal." Mia answered.
"Really is that it." Mia's mom asked shocked.
"Yeah." Mia answered.
"I told you to watch your mouth Mia." Mia's mom laughed.
"Shut up mom." Mia smiled.

About half way home Morning sickness hit Mia super hard. Mia just sat there with her eyes closed trying to hold it down, but it is becoming harder and harder to do so.

"Mom." Mia said.
"What baby." Mia's mom asked.
"Can you pull into a gas station or something." Mia said.
"Is everything okay?" Mia's mom asked.
"I'm gonna vomit." Mia said leaning forward.
"Oh dear." Mia's mom said pulling into a side road and then into a gas station.

Before Mia's mom could even get the car out of drive, Mia had her car door open and was running as fast as her pregnant self would let her. Mia rushed into the girls restroom and vomited over and over again until she had nothing else to throw up.

"Mia are you in here." Mia's mom asked walking into the two stall bathroom.
"Yeah." Mia said flushing the toilet.
"You okay baby." Mia's mom asked.
"Yeah, it's just morning sickness." Mia answered.
"Baby, its 5:00 in the afternoon." Mia's mom said.
"Okay so maybe the baby didn't like what I had for lunch." Mia said washing her fave and hands.
"More than likely." Mia's mom answered.
"I can't wait until I don't vomit all the time." Mia sighed.
"I bet, trust me I don't miss it at all." Mia's mom laughed.
"Thanks." Mia said sarcastically.
"I'm your mom it's my job." Mia's mom said.

Charlie was sitting on the couch when  Mia and her mom got home. Just the sight of him made Mia instantly made. When Mia saw him she stormed passed him and up into her room.

(Charlie's Side)

Charlie watched Mia storm pass him, and to be honest it hurt his feelings. He knows it was wrong of him to do what he did to Mia, but he felt that he has to. Charlie needed to get his mind off of his problems with Mia, so he called Amanda over.

"Hey babe." Amanda said as Charlie answered the door.
"Hey." Charlie said then kissed Amanda.

Once Amanda was inside they sat on the couch and Charlie told Amanda everything that has happened between Mia and him.

"It sounds like you need to get your mind off of it." Amanda said seductively.
"I know I do." Charlie said seriously.
"We could go upstairs and get your mind off of it." Amanda smiled.
"Why is sex your answer for everything. Sex isn't always the answer. I mean everytime you come over we have sex. It seems like you just wanted to be my girlfriend so that we could have sex." Charlie said standing up.
"Is that so bad. Sex anytime you want." Amanda answered.
"Yeah, it's bad. I want more in a relationship than sex." Charlie answered.
"What are you saying?" Amanda asked.
"I want to break up." Charlie answered.
"What!" Amanda yelled.
"Yeah, I want to break up." Charlie assured himself.
"Whatever." Amanda said waking out of the house and slamming the door behind her.
"Charlie what have I told you about slamming that door." His mom said walking into the living room.

When his mom walked in Charlie had his face buried in his hands.

"Charlie what's wrong." His mom asked.
"Amanda and I broke up just now. I called it quits." Charlie answered.
"What why?" His mom asked.
"Amanda only ever wanted to have sex, and just sex." Charlie answered honestly.

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