Mia (Three)

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***Picture of Aatto King***

New York, New York:

January 09

(14 weeks)

"Mom, Dad, and I guess Charlie since your here. you guys must know..." Mia
said then took a long pause.
"That your pregnant." Mia's Dad laughed.
"What you guys know." Mia asked shocked.
"Of couse we know honey. You've added weight. And by added weight I mean your showing." Mia's mom answered.
"And your new eating habits." Mia's dad added.
"Not to mention your mood swings." Charlie mumbled.
"But, how we knew for sure was the fact that Doctor Spice left a message on the answering machine." Mia's mom sighed.
"Are you guys mad?" Mia's asked.
"Of course." Both of her parents said at the same time.
"Oh." Mia sighed.
"Well. How the hell did you think we would be after finding out that your fifteen year old daughter was pregnant." Mia's mom said pissed now.
"Let's just face it Mia. Your going to just go have an abortion, and pretend like this pregnancy never happened." Charlie said.
"Actually no. I plan to keep the baby." Mia responded.
"What?" Her parents said at the same time.
"Sugar, your to young to be a mama." Mia's dad said shocked.
"Baby, your be throwing your life away." Mia's mom commented.
"Shit. I was not expecting you to keep that bastard." Charlie commented.
"Okay, first of all Charlie, it's not a bastard its an unborn baby which you will be an uncle to. Second of all I'm not throwing my life away mom, I am simply taking plan B in life which is being made up as it goes. And all dad, I'm 15 I should just be considered an adult and I know that I a mature enough to raise a damn child at my age." Mia said telling things how they are.
"Mia watch your language." Mia's mom said.
"Oh, I see you guys are sextist." Mia said.
"What honey, we are not sextist." Mia's dad smirked.
"Yes you guys are." Mia said.
"Honey we aren't sextist." Mia's mom smiled.
"Not sextist my ass. When I cuss I get in trouble when Charlie has been cussing since he was thirteen years old. And when Charlie and Amanda had their pregnancy scare last year you guys were happy for him and he was going have a baby at sixteen. That seems pretty sextist to me." Mia said pissed.
"That's different." Mia's mom replied.
"How?" Mia asked.
"He's a bo..." Mia's mom stopped in mid-sentence.
"Boy?" Mia asked.
"Yeah a boy." Mia's mom smiled.
"Sextist." Mia said then walked to her room.

After Mia had some time to cool down, she decided to call Aatto and tell him that she is I keeping the baby.

(The phone call)

Aatto: "Hey what's up?"
Mia: "Nothing really. But I have something that I decided with the baby to tell you."
Aatto: "What."
Mia: Can you meet me at the cafe down the street?"
Aatto: "Sure. I'll be there in 15."
Mia: "Okay. I love you."
Aatto: I love you too.

(End of Phone call)

Once they were both at the cafe, Mia and Aatto sat down in a booth. Mia ordered a ham and cheddar sandwhich, with lettuce, tomato, pickels, onion, mustard, and no mayo; with an ice tea for a drink. Aatto ordered three slices of cheese pizza and a rootbeer float for a drink. After they got their food, they stared to talk business.

"So what's up? What did you decide?" Aatto asked.
"I have decided to keep the baby." Mia answered.
"What?" Aatto said shocked.
"I'm keeping the baby." Mia said slower.
"No I heard what you said." Aatto said still in shock.
"Then why did you ask? Mia asked.
"I just figured since your only 15 that you would have an abortion." Aatto said honestly.
"Damn not you too." Mia said hurt.
"What do you mean?" Aatto asked.
"Everyone in my family thinks that I should have an abortion and you just join their fucking club." Mia said pissed off.
"Mia I'm sorry, but that's what I thought." Aatto apologized.
"Whatever, I'm keeping this damn baby whether everyone likes it or not and of they have a problem with my decision then they can leave my life. They don't have to be involved in my baby's and I's life, that goes for you too; not that you would because you love me and support my decisions." Mia ranted.
Yeah." Aatto smiled.
"Well, I've got to go honey. I have a prenatal yoga class and a newborn class to go to and some shopping to do." Mia said standing up.
"Okay." Aatto said also standing up.
"I love you." Mia said then kissed Aatto.
"I love you too." Aatto said after the kiss broke.

(Aatto's side)

After Mia left I started to walk home, I have a long walk so I decided to call Tyler while I walked home.

(The phone call)

Tyler: "Hey bro, what's up."
Aatto: "A lot."
Tyler: "Like what?"
Aatto: "Mia's decided to not have an abortion and to keep the baby."
Tyler: "Holy Shit! Did you break up with her?"
Aatto: "No."
Tyler: "Why not?"
Aatto: "I don't know."
Tyler: Bro, the only reason you got with Mia was to take her virginity in the first place. And besides of you don't do you really want to raise a child at seventeen?"
Aatto: "I know I did, and no I don't want to raise a child at seventeen. But I don't think that Mia wants to raise a child at fifteen either."
"Tyler: "Aatto that's not your fucking problem."
Aatto: "But it is my fucking problem fourteen weeks ago that baby was being made from my sperm that was made by my balls and delivered by my dick and into her."
Tyler: "So. Its left your body it's no longer your problem."
Aatto: "True."
Tyler: "Bro do yourself a favor and dump her fat ass."
Aatto: "She's not fat, she's pregnant."
Tyler: "My bad her pregnant ass."
Aatto: "Later bro."
Tyler: "Later. And don't forget dump her pregnant ass."

(End of phone call)

"Well that didn't help at all." Aatto said to himself as he turned into his driveway.

Aatto went up to is room not knowing whether or not to break up with Mia. Sure he originally got with Mia to take her virginity, but now he feels guilty because he took her virginity and gave her a baby.

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Hey Readers,
Just want you all to know that you are going to start finding out the genders of the babies. I want to know what you guys think that their babies are going to be.
First you will find out the genders of Jessica and Lisa the in chapter fours you will find out the genders of Mia and Hannah. So I want to know what do you think Jessica's baby is going to be? Boy or Girl?
Comment your answers please it will help me decide on genders.

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