Lisa (Four)

91 2 0

Seattle, Washington

February 13

(24 weeks)

Lisa made her way down the hallway and into the elevator. She may actually be on time to work today. When Lisa got to work she punched in a minute before she was late.

"Wow. Your actually here on time today." One of the other waitress snickered.
"Yeah. I can be on time if I want to." Lisa sassed back.
"Whatever. There's a dude at table five. Go take his order." The waitress said.
"Okay." Lisa said grabbing a tablet of paper and a pen.

"What can I get you?" Lisa asked walking up to the table.
"Um yeah can I get a... Oh Lisa hi." Ross said looking up from the menu.
"Hello Ross. What can I get you?" Lisa smiled.
"The number six." Ross smiled.
"A number six, what can I get you to drink?" Lisa asked.
"Um, just water." Ross responded.
"A number six and a water. Is that it?" Lisa asked.
"Please." Ross smiled handing her the menu.

Lisa smiled at Ross then she made her way back to the counter.

"A number six and a water." Lisa said once at the counter.
"Here take him his water." The woman behind the counter said handing Lisa a pitcher of water.
"Yes ma'am." Lisa said grabbing the pitcher and heading back to Roos's table.

"Hello again." Lisa smiled pouring water in his glass.
"Thank you." Ross said grabbing the glass.
"Well it is my job." Lisa smiled.
"So what are you doing after you get off of work?" Ross asked.
"I'm going baby shopping." Lisa answered.
"Oh would you mind if a tagged along?" Ross asked.
"No, not at all. Oliver is going to be at work until late tonight." Lisa smiled.
"Cool." Ross smiled as the other waitress brought Ross his food.

Ross came back down to the restraunt when Lisa got off of work and they both took a taxi to the mall to go baby shopping.

"Question." Ross said.
"What?" Lisa asked.
"If your already having a baby, then why must you shop for another one." Ross asked with a laugh.
"Haha, very funny." Lisa said sarcastic.
"I know I should be a comedian." Ross joked.
"Um no." Lisa laughed.
"I know I was joking." Ross laughed.
"I know." Lisa smiled.
"So what are you having?" Ross asked.
"A Boy." Lisa smiled.
"What gender did you want?" Ross asked.
"I didn't really care. The only thing I wish is that I could change who the father is." Lisa answered.
"Why, is the father some lame ex boyfriend?" Kyle asked.
"No, worst. He was a one night stand that is married and has three kids." Lisa sighed.
"Man, and here I was thinking that it couldn't get any worst than a one night stand." Ross said as of he was in pain.
"I know. And the worst part is that he promised that he would tell his family about the baby, and be at the appointments. But instead, I ended up telling his wife that he is having a baby with another women about a month ago, and he hasn't been to one damn appointment." Lisa complained.
"Not one." Ross said shocked.
"Oh, and to top it all off, the dude works with my brother." Lisa sighed.
"Damn. Your in a real pickle." Ross responded.

After they did some baby shopping Ross took Lisa out to the food court to get a bite to eat. The last people that she wanted to see was in the food court as well. It was Kyle, Rose, and the three kids. Rose was giving Lisa a death glare from across the food court.

"I can't take it anymore." Lisa said standing up then walking over to where Kyle and his family was sitting.
"Lisa." Kyle said shock.
"Hello, Kyle. I just came over here to tell you that I'm done with your damn game. You told me that you would tell your family that your the father of my son, but you failed to do that. Hell then you said that you would be at the appointments, and I'm still currently waiting for you to show up to your first one. So I'm done. I don't want your damn help and I don't want you to have anything to do with my damn baby. In fact just go back to pretending that we aren't real, hell it's what you do best." Lisa said once she got to Kyle and his family's table, after she was done saying that she turned around and walked away, ignoring every time Kyle yelled her name.

When Lisa got back to the table she was crying, without saying a word she motioned to Ross that they should go. Ross didn't ask questions or hesitate, he simply got up and followed her out of the mall.

"Is everything okay?" Ross asked.
"Never been better. I just Kyle to just stay the hell out of me and my son's life." Lisa smiled.
"Good for you." Ross smiled back.
"Thanks." Lisa said staring to cry.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Ross asked.
"I'm not ready to raise a child by myself." Lisa said wiping a tear.
"Lisa you've already been raising your son by yourself. I mean Kyle hasn't been to any of the appointments, he never even told his wife and kids about the baby after he promised he would and told you that he did." Ross said getting fired up.
"Your right." Lisa sighed.
"I know, come on let me walk you home." Ross smiled.
"Ross we live in the same building." Lisa said confused.
"Then I guess you should let me walk you home. I mean I am already going that way." Ross laughed.

When Lisa and Ross got back to the apartments, Ross walked Lisa to her door.

"Lisa." Ross said.
"Yeah." Lisa answered.
"Would you maybe, um.. go out on a date with me on Friday?" Ross asked.
"Yeah, I would love to." Lisa smiled.
"Okay, cool. I guess I'll see you Friday." Ross smiled.
"I'll see you Friday." Lisa smiled, Then unlocked the door.

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Okay readers it's time...
Comment what you think the gender of Hannah's twins are going to be... Girls, boys, girl and boy.

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