Hannah (Two)

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Miami, Florida:

November 17

(5 weeks)

"Hannah it's time to get up, your late for school!" Hannah's mom yelled from the door way.
"Mom, I don't feel good." Hannah said barely opening her eyes.
"How don't you feel good." Hannah's mom asked.
"I feel like I'm going to throw up, I have headache, I'm really really tired, and I have super bad stomach cramps, but once again, no period." Hannah said rolling over and snuggling her pillow.
"Alright honey, I'll call the school." Hannah's mom said heading back downstairs.

Just as Hannah started to fall asleep, she got a text message from Jake..

(Text Message Conversation)

Jake: "Hey babe, your mom just sent me a text asking me to tell the front office that your home sick. Is everything okay?"
Hannah: "Yeah, everything is fine, I think its just the flu."
Jake: "I be over as soon as school is over."
Hannah: "Okay."
Jake: "I love you."
Hannah: "I love you too."

(End of text message conversation)

Hannah rolled over and put her phone back on the nightstand, then got up and ran into the bathroom.
Each time she threw up her headache and stomach cramps got worse. After she finished throwing up, Hannah had no energy left at all. She crawled into bed and fell asleep.

Hannah finally woke up after Jake had been trying to wake her fro the pass half hour. As soon as Hannah opened her eyes she was up and running for the bathroom to throw up again.

"Have you been like this all day?" Jake asked.
"Yeah." Hannah answered.
"I know that this isn't my business, but is there a reason your massaging your breast?" Jake asked sitting on the bed.
"They hurt." Hannah answered.
"You said you have the flu, may I hear how your not feeling good?" Jake asked.
"Sure. I have thrown up two or three times, I have a headache, I have super bad cramps but no period, and I'm really really tired even though I have been sleeping all day." Hannah answered.
"Babe, to me it sounds like your pregnant." Jake said.
"That's impossible." Hannah said confused.
"Babe, your extremely tired, you've thrown up a couple of times, you have a headache, you have bad cramps with no period, and your massaging your breast because they hurt." Jake said sounding sure if himself.
"Babe, I can't be." Hannah signed.
"I will go to the drug store and buy you a test, okay. Just to be sure." Jake answered.
"Okay." Hannah smiled.
"I'll be back in half a hour." Jake said leaving Hannah's room.

(Half a Hour later)

"Babe, I'm back." Jake said coming into the room.
"Hey." Hannah said rolling over in bed.
"I bought a couple of test for just in case." Jake said putting the bag on the bed.
"Okay." Hannah said sitting up.

Hannah grabbed the bag and went into the bathroom. After she finished taking on of the test she set the timer and brought it back into her bedroom.
Once the timer went off Jake and Hannah just stood there scared looking at each other. After about a minute Hannah took a deep breath and slowly walked over to her dresser and picked up the test.
"Oh my God." Hannah said shocked.
"What?" Jake said coming over.
"It says pregnant." Hannah said still in shock.
"Don't get your hopes up, take the other test and if it comes back as pregnant; then we will get a UPT or a hCG done at the hospital." Jake answered.
"Okay." Hannah smiled.

(Two hours later)

"I have to pee, so I need the stick." Hannah said putting her hand out.
"Okay." Jake said handing her the box.

Hannah when and took the test and then just like the first time after she set the timer she brought back into the room. Then after the timer went off Hannah went and got it off the dresser.
"What does it say?" Jake asked.
"Pregnant." Hannah smiled.
"Okay I'll set up an appointment. Do you what a UPT or a hCG done?" Jake asked dialing the phone.
"A hCG. They're more accurate." Hannah answered.
"They can get us an appointment in about an half hour." Jake said hanging up the phone.
"Well we better get going." Hannah said grabbing her purse.
"Okay." Jake answered.
"Right after I throw up." Hannah said running for the bathroom.

(At the appointment)

Okay, Hannah which arm." Doctor Milweed asked.
"Um, my left." Hannah said nervously.
"There's no need to be nervous." Doctor Milweed smiled.
"Okay." Hannah Exhaled.
"Alright, I'll be back in about fifteen minutes with your results." Doctor Milweed said leaving the room.

"Jake, I'm scared." Hannah said shaky.
"Why?" Jake asked.
"Because I could be pregnant." Hannah answered.
"But I thought you wanted kids?" Jake asked.
"I do." Hannah answered.
"Then what's the problem?" Jake asked.
"They told me I wouldn't be able to have kids." Hannah answered.
"I know." Jake smiled.
"Are you scared." Hannah asked.
"A little." Jake answered.
"Why." Hannah asked.
"Only because we're so young." Jake answered.
"But what if I am?" Hannah asked.
"Then your be blessed by God." Jake answered.
"If I am pregnant. I want to get married to you before the baby is born." Hannah said.
"Hannah, we agreed we would wait until you were eighteen." Jake asked confused.
"I know, but I figured that your already out of school, because of your online homeschool thing; and you already have an apartment of you own the baby and I could move in. I mean it is a two bedroom." Hannah replied.
"If that's what you want to do." Jake smiled.
"It is." Hannah answered.
"Are you sure?" Jake asked.
"Yes." Hannah answered.

"I have your results." Doctor Milweed said waking back into the room.
"Are we pregnant?" Hannah asked.
"It was a little hard to tell, so I'm going to guess that you have polycystic ovarian syndrome." Doctor Milweed said.
"Yes, I do." Hannah answered.
"Okay, are you guys ready to here your results?" Doctor Milweed asked.
"Yes." Both Hannah and Jake said at the same time.
"Pregnant." Doctor Milweed smiled.

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