Chapter 2

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So this is still on third person Draco side, just thought telling you:)


"I ask you to please raise your right hand and take the pledge." Hermione said, her voice soft but full of authority. How has she ever gotten this effect on him?

As he took his pledge, everyone, even Weaslette was listening. But there's one thing missing: where's the Head of Department?

He finished, and walked over to the seats to listen to Hermione give her closing remarks. "Where's Potter?" He asked Ginny. "Um, what? Oh, um... He's there, at the house, I'll be his substitute for now." She was evidently shaking.

He turned to listen to Hermione. "...Harry Potter is the Head of Auror Department, as we all know. Even though he would've appointed his best mate over for Assistant Head, he chose a more responsible person, a man fit for the place and..." She sighed. "That man is Draco Malfoy. It's impossible, really, being all reflective on this matter, that they weren't childhood friends. They were enemies. And now Harry's coming over to our place saying he appointed Draco as A.H, as we all term it.

"Now, as he took his pledge, I hope he knows his responsibilities as well as the duties entrusted, which is clearly on the job description. Maybe that's all, and I admire you, Draco Malfoy, for making it to the cut with your determination and ability. Thank you all." There was loud applause and cheers.

"Your turn," she said as she passed me by, "anything you'd like to say before we end the activity. Still have office over. Good luck, too." She flashed him a smile.

He came over to the stage, his hands sweaty and his eyes roaming around for Scorpius and Hermione.

"Good afternoon. Just a while ago, when the Minister passed by, she told me 'good luck', which I deliver to all myself. I currently have an inspiration, and that same inspiration drove me to this very point in my life right now.

"Life is unnatural. It's not real as it seems to me, and this is really a big thing. So I thank the Deputy Officers, the Minister, Harry Potter, my boss, and everyone else. I'm quite in a loss for words." He laughed lightly.

"Thank you to one and all." And he went off the stage.

Just as he exited the chamber, an owl swooped in through the false window and dropped two letters.

The first one was:


How nice of you, job well done. You have given family honor once more, and I am very proud of my son.

Secondly, beware of certain circumstances that may come around anytime. Your father is suffering greatly, and I attone you to constant vigilance.

Astoria confided in me previously, telling me how bad the night ended last week. Is it true? Please confirm my suspicions about how you are growing fond of the minister. If so that it is true, then, good luck in winning her. She is a married woman.

Your wife is planning divorce. She is heading for the Ministry at this moment, and I do well remember you can resolve this problem of yours. Ask me if you need help. I am always there for you.

Narcissa Malfoy

And under that was the Malfoy seal. So, Astoria is staying with his Mum all along, and he thought she booked a hotel and other stuff! But well, she's heading the bumpy road for divorce, and he'll leave it to her.

The next letter, he identified, was in Astoria's curly handwriting.

Drakie, or whatsoever I choose to call my husband,

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