Chapter 7

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Annabeth arrived at camp, exhausted, and went straight to bed.  Since it was the weekend, she slept in a little bit.  At about 9 o'clock, she woke up to the cabin filled with a warm, bright light.  She got up feeling content and peaceful,  until she remembered what happened yesterday.  She sighed and got dressed in a navy-blue v-neck, light-wash shorts, and her white converse.  She gave up on her hair and threw it into a pony tail.  She went out the door and found herself face to face with the one and only Percy Jackson.

"Hey Annabeth." Oh gods, why does he have to be so damn cute all of the fricking time.

"Hi Percy." 

"Oh my gods, did you actually talk to me in a civilized way."

"Yes, Seaweed Brain.  I decided it was time to forgive you for being a total and complete jerk."

"Umm... thanks I guess?"

"Well, now it's your turn."

"Listen Annabeth, I'm sorry. I truly feel horrible.  But, here's my explanation.  Lexi walked up to me and came on to me and I was just about to tell her off when you saw."

"Well, all that matters is that we're friends again."

"What do you think about a canoe ride around the lake?"

"I would love that."

They both walked towards the lake with huge smile's on their faces, earning looks from everyone, but neither of them seemed to care. 

They reached the lake and Percy helped Annabeth onto the canoe.  Percy began paddling them out to the middle of the lake.  "Annabeth, can I ask you a question?"

"Ya, go ahead."

"Well, I saw you in New York the other way and I knew for a fact that you saw me.  So, why didn't you say anything?"

"If we're gonna be honest, I was still really hurt.  However, I decided that I missed my best friend."

"Again, I'm really sorry."

"Really, Percy, it's ok."

"I never wanted to close that door."

"What door?"

"Well, I have a theory that a guy and a girl can't be just friends.  One will always get feelings for the other."

Keep your cool. "Well, I never wanted to close that door either."

Annabeth realized that they had moved closer together.  Percy leaned in.  Annabeth did what any scared teenager would do, she tipped the boat over.  Damn it, Annabeth! Why couldn't you have just let the boy of your dreams kiss you?

"What was that for?!"

"I was getting hot."

"Probably because I'm here."

"As if your ego needs to get any bigger."

"What was that, Wise Girl?"

"Nothing, Seaweed Brain."

"You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I heard something."

"Yes, idiot." She splashed Percy playfully.  That was not smart.  Percy smashed a whole wave on top of her.  I'm sure I look really attractive right now. 

"Hey, no fair!!"

"I can't help it if I'm the son of the sea god."

"Well, I'm getting back on the boat."

"Right behind you."

Percy paddled them over to a little cove.  

"Percy, it's beautiful!"

He had decorated the cove with little fairy lights hanging from the trees and there was also a picnic bench with all their favorite foods.

"Err... I tried my best. I got a little help from Lexi."


"Please don't be mad." Percy put his strong on Annabeth's shoulder.

"I'm not mad."

"Annabeth, I know you.  You're mad."

"It's just that you tell me all of these things out on the lake and then I find out that you're still talking to her."

"It's not like that,  I swear.  I just thought that if you knew she did something nice for you, you'd forgive her."

"Oh, ok.  Sorry, it's just that I don't want to lose you to my little sister."

Percy hugged Annabeth and she looked into his startling sea-green eyes. "Don't worry, you'll never lose me. Ever. I mean it."

They ate lunch and went back to camp.  Percy walked Annabeth back to her cabin hand in hand. Annabeth hugged Percy goodbye and went into her cabin.  Holy shit.  I just spent the whole day with THE Percy Jackson.  What did he mean about the whole not wanting to close the door thing? Did that mean he likes her?  Noooo way.  Does he know that I like him?  I hope not.  Well, I'm confused. What's new.

Haha, well that chapter literally sucked.  Hopefully the next one will be better.  Do you think Percy's theory is true? Let me know in the comments.  Please leave a vote, comment, etc.

Love ya,

Cameron ;)

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