15 - Wake Up

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What's going on? Did Ming hear my calls help? Calls for help? Why would I call Ming for help? I didn't really understand but when I noticed a guy I did not recognize pick up a piece of wood and rushed toward Ming and I like a crazed animal, the only thing I could think of was to throw my body over Ming's unmoving one. My body wasn't moving with as much ease as it normally would. I felt sluggish. Who are these people and why are they attacking us?

I shut my eyes and tightened my body in anticipation for the blows. The only thought in my mind was that I had to keep Ming from getting hurt anymore than he already was. He was bleeding so much. Why didn't l learn martial arts like Ai'Pha? But even so, if only my body will move with it's usual ease, I could have defended us in some way.

For a while I waited but no blows came. I was afraid to open my eyes and see what was going on. What if that's what the attacker was waiting for? That I'll open my eyes, so he can see the pain in them as he attacks us? Not today. My hands instinctively tightened around Ming's unmoving body when I heard a loud thud. The crazed attacker was still spouting nonsense at the top of his voice.

"Kit are you okay?" Huh? Beam? I looked up as quickly as my uncoporative body will let me. Pha and Forth were holding the crazy guy down. I looked away for a second when I noticed movement from one side of the room. I saw a female figure stirring as if she'd just woken from a long nap and couldn't quite bring herself to get out of bed.

"Beam, what's going on?" I looked at my best friend for answers.

"I don't know. Ming called us and this is what we walk into. Are y..."

"Ming..." I looked down at the body I was clutching tightly on to. I moved off his body and shook him, trying to get him to wake up. "Ming." I called out his name loudly. I would have kept shaking him, but Beam stopped me.

"Dr Kit, what are you doing? If he is injured, you can make it worse by shaking him." Beam firmly moved my hands off Ming's body and quickly examined him. He had a bloody gush on the back of his head and on his arm. The wound on his arm was deeper than the one on his head. Those facts didn't ease my mind one bit though, since Ming was still unconscious.

Moving as quickly as my body will let me, I kicked the piece of wood out of reach when I noticed the female crawling toward it. I fell back in shock and clutched my head when her face came into view. She tortured me! An ugly sneer showed on her face as we stared at each other. Memories of being tied to a chair and treated like trash flooded my brain. I pounced on her when she tried to reach for the weapon again. All sorts of things I would like to do to her as repayment for the way she treated me, mingled with the horrible memories which were still flooding my brain had me tightening my grip on her seemingly delicate wrists, but this is not me. I took an oath to save lives not to harm them. At that moment I hated the oath I had taken as a doctor. I couldn't even bring myself to slap her plastic looking face. Thankfully I didn't have to hold her down for long as the police showed up and carted her and her accomplice away.

I held on to Ming's hand as an ambulance sped us to the hospital. When we finally made it to the hospital, I couldn't stand still as I waited for him to be patched up by a doctor. They wouldn't let me in the room even though I told them I'm a doctor too. Something about emotions getting in the way. I can be level headed under pressure. Seriously! Even my so called best friends didn't support me. All I wanted was to be there while they treated him, making sure they didn't do anything wrong or anything that will hurt him more. I run my hands through my hair for zillionth time while I paced outside the operating room.

I was right there when they wheeled him out of the operating room and into the private recovery room less than two hours later. Someone had arranged for a private room unbeknownst to me. It had completely slipped my mind to do so. I'll find whoever did it and thank them later. It was one of my friends, that, I was certain of because we were at the hospital before our parents were called and given snippets of the whole situation.

Ming wouldn't wake up even when everyone, friends and family, had gathered in his hospital room. How can he stay sleeping with so many shadows casting over him? Since the doctor said Ming wasn't in a life threatening state, everyone eventually left. My friends had to go make statements at the police station. I needed to make a statement too but not just yet. Besides what will I tell them? I'm still not sure why all that stuff happened and until Ming wakes up I won't know for sure.

I stayed by his side for hours, dozing off sometimes but I mostly stayed awake, waiting for him to open his eyes. When he finally did my eyes were closed with my head on his bed while I sat on a chair. I opened my eyes when I felt him squeeze my hand in his.

"Ming." I threw myself on him without thinking. "Stupid Ming. Why did you sleep for so long?"

"Ouch. You're hurting me." His voice came out a little hoarse. Nothing some water won't fix.

"Sorry sorry. How are feeling?" I touched is cheek gently while looking for any signs that he was in discomfort. He had a dazed look on his face as he stared up at me.

"Who are you?"


I couldn't resist😏

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