12 - Doubts

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This time I remembered to knock.

"Why didn't you walk in like you did last time?" Without waiting for me to say hello, Kit turned his back on me after opening the door to let me in. Even though I'd already been there multiple times since that incident, Kit was still using it to mess with me.

"Aw, come on Kit, aren't you over that yet?" I smiled at him. He'd become a little more relaxed around me.

"Since you have my parent's permission, you're free to walk in like the place is yours." He threw over his shoulder. I shook my head at his teasing tone.

"Are you ready to leave?" It had already been about three weeks since Kit's discharge from the hospital. He wasn't limping anymore and the spots of black and blue patches he had on his skin before had faded completely. He looked more like himself now.

This was my third time taking him in to see the doctor. If he is cleared today, he will not need to go back to the hospital for any check ups.

"Almost. You came too early, I'm still having breakfast." I joined Kit at the dining table to wait for him. His mum walked out of the Kitchen and placed a tray laden with breakfast in front of me. She left without giving me room to decline. I hadn't had breakfast yet anyway, so it was okay.

We spent a while at the hospital this time as it was, for some reason, crowded with a lot of patients. I was worried Kit might catch something so I tried to keep him away from the sick people, but it seemed impossible because they were everywhere. What did I expect? We're at the hospital. After the doctor concluded that Kit didn't need to come in for checkups anymore, I pulled him aside to make some enquiries.

"Doctor, I don't mean to be doubtful of your skills but is Kit really okay? He still doesn't remember who I am." The doctor glanced at his pager and looked like he was trying very hard to be patient with me.

"His memory loss is not something I can fix with medicine and considering that you're the only thing in his life that he doesn't remember, he is either faking or something really bad happened. Bad enough that he needed to suppress his feelings for you to get through it. When his memories do come back, keep in mind they may never come back, he'll probably experience a lot of pain. That's what caused his hysterics. Since you told me you suspect that him hearing your name is the trigger, it is possible that memories of you try to emerge when he hears your name and he goes through some kind of pain. I think rather than a trigger, your name is the key to unlocking his memories of you but only if he can endure the pain. However, if he is faking the memory loss, well, I don't have any medicine for that will help you with that either. Do you have anymore questions?"

"No. Thank you for your time, doctor." He gave me a curt nod and strode away quickly to go attend to his other patients. "Oh fuck, Kit, how long have you been here?" I nearly bumped into him when I turned around to leave. Kit's presence surprised me. I hope he didn't hear anything.

"I just got here. What were you doing?" He peeked around me to see if there was someone or something there.

"I was talking to the doctor. Did you get all your prescription medicine from the hospitals pharmacy?"

"No, they didn't have any. We have to stop by a pharmacy. What were you talking to the doctor about?"

"About you." I wasn't going to lie to him.

"Me? Why?"

"Just double checking that you don't need to come in anymore. Let's go get your medicine." I turned and walked toward the exit. I wasn't going to lie to him, but I wasn't going to tell him everything either. I need to keep him safe but the little voice in my head was nagging me.

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