5 - Wishing

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One week.

That's how long it's been since Kit disappeared into thin air, but I never gave up hope. I didn't care that my work suffered, that sometimes I was rude and overbearing with my friends, the people who stayed and helped me all the way. Every night I would stay awake wishing and praying that when Kit finally turns up he will be just fine.

When I got a call that someone matching Kit's description had just been admitted to a hospital, I broke more traffic laws driving to the hospital than I've done since I got my driver's license. Road rage because everyone was driving sooo slowly, it was annoying. I run several red lights, overtaking where I shouldn't. It was a miracle that I didn't get into any accidents or that the police didn't stop me or maybe they tried to, I don't remember, I wasn't paying attention to anything going on around me.

"Is it him?" After bursting into the hospital without parking my car properly, and demanding to know where Kit was, I found his parents already standing outside the private hospital room he'd been transferred to. His mum pulled me into a side hug while tears silently streamed down her face.

"It's him." I hugged her fully at that and let my own silent tears fall. After holding back for so long, I couldn't hold them back now, so I just let them run down my cheeks. Kit's mum and I held each other, consoling each other.

"How...where..." I wanted to know but I couldn't form the words to ask the questions, choked by my emotions as I was.

"Someone found him passed out and brought him to the hospital." Kit's dad answered the question I wanted to ask but couldn't.

"Is the person here? I'll like to talk to them but before that, what did the Doctor say about Kit's condition?" With as much effort as I could manage, I composed myself. I need to reward that person handsomely for bringing Kit back to me.

"We're still waiting to hear from the Doctor. We were only able to see Kit briefly, so we could identify him. The hospital didn't want to treat him when he was brought in because they weren't sure he had insurance or that he could pay the bill, and they only gave him a little first aid. I'm having them do a thorough exam so hopefully we'll hear some more good news soon." Kit's dad explained.

"I'll like to pay the hospital bills and give a reward to the person who brought him here." I offered solemnly.

"Oh no son, you don't have to." Kit's dad refused.

"I insist. I've felt so helpless during this last week and I want to do something for Kit. It may not atone for my sin of being unable to find him, but it may give me a little peace." My vehemence was clear and I'm sure Kit's family could see the determination in my gaze.

"We know how you spent all day every day in the streets, searching for Kit. You have no sin to atone for, son. You did everything you could to find him, so you needn't beat yourself up over it but if it'll give you peace of mind you can pay the bills."

"Thank you." I managed to crack a little relieved smile at Kit's dads words. "And the guy?"

"He wasn't here when we came but he left his number at the nurse's station. I'll send it to you right now."

When my phone beeped with an incoming message, I quickly saved the number as 'Good Samaritan' before releasing Kit's mum to his dad.

"I am Mingkwan Daechipanya. I'm calling about the guy you brought to the hospital today. Do you have time to meet with me later? I want to thank you for what you did." I moved a little way away from Kit's parents as I spoke into my phone. All the while keeping my eyes on the hallways, waiting for them to wheel Kit back into his room from the x-ray room.

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