7 - Remembering

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As I stepped out of the hospital, a breeze picked up. I looked around, trying to remember where I'd abandoned my car.

"Hey Ming, where are you going?" I turned and watched as Yo quickly walked toward me from within the hospital. "Were you going to leave without saying anything?" He stopped beside me and tried to catch his breath. "Did the Doctor say it's okay to leave?" He questioned when he was finally able to breath.

"Yes." I gave him a nod before looking toward the hospital grounds again, still trying to recall where I left my car.

"If you're looking for your car, it's over there." Yo pointed to his right. "Do you know you left the keys in the ignition? You're lucky no one stole it before we got here. We actually had to pay the tow truck driver not to take it away. P'Pha moved it for you. Here are your keys." I gave my friend a grateful smile before heading in the direction he'd pointed to. He followed me.

"You don't have to come with me if P'Pha is still here. I'll be fine on my own." I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I'm sure my face must have looked stiff with undisguised sadness and loneliness. Loneliness I wanted to wallow in but my friend didn't seem to want me to.

"No, I'm coming with you." I sighed at the vehement tone in his voice and the determined look on his face before walking with him to the car. I drove absentmindedly all the way home, even forgetting to get dinner for Yo. He had to call P'Pha to deliver a meal.

The house and everything in it reminded me of Kit. I couldn't escape my thoughts of him because he'd picked out almost all the décor. Despite the Doctors orders, I hardly ate, I couldn't, not while I was this heartbroken over Kit not knowing who I am.

Kit spent a whole week at the hospital. Everyday I'd go see him secretly and when the day came that he was discharged, I drove behind his family's car, wanting to make sure he got to his parent's house safe. I parked and sat in my car, outside their house for a few minutes before driving away with no particular destination in mind.

When I finally stopped, it was at the university. It's been years since the last time I came here. There's probably some random person sleeping in Kit's room as we speak. I got out of the car and slowly walked around the campus, visiting all the places Kit and I used to converge. I walked from his former dorm to mine, retracing steps I'd taken many a time on this same path years ago. I stopped at the seven eleven, remembering how happy I'd been when Kit had approached me after I'd agonized myself by not calling or texting him thinking he hated me. When he'd told me not to take too long in gathering my thoughts, I'd been ecstatic.

At my former dorm I saw the shadows of past me and Kit, laughing, mocking me. Kit being dragged through those doors by me, young and eager to claim my prize which was and still is Kit. I walked back to Kit's former dorm and drove to his former faculty, remembering all the times I picked him up for lunch and the times I missed him so much I'd sneak in to spy on him while he was in class.

On my way back to the house, I stopped at the eatery Kit and I used to frequent. I ordered Kit's favorite meal and took a bite, fighting the edge to breakdown after reliving all those happy memories. As I sat chewing on the tasteless meal, my phone rung. I tried to ignore the loud ringing as it was interrupting my trip through memory lane.

When I picked it up wanting to turn it off, I noticed the caller was Kits mum.

"What's wrong?" My first question as soon as I answered the phone.

"It's Kit. He collapsed while calling your name. Meet us at the hospital." She sounded breathless.

I rushed out of the eatery, forgetting to pay for my meal. I had to come back in and dump I don't how much on the table which was still laden with an almost full plate of food before dashing back to my car and driving to the hospital.

"What happened?" I spoke before I'd completely skidded to a stop in front of Kit's parents but his mum was too out of it to explain so I turned to his dad.

"We didn't clear out the stuff he had in his old room before taking him back and there are a lot of things in there which reminded him of you. At least that's what we believe because he was watching a video of you two on his computer when we rushed in after hearing him shout. Whatever happened to Kit... now more than ever I think it was something that had to do with you two getting married. We should have his car checked to see if there are any damages which are not connected to the accident."

Kit's dad's observation bugged me. I'd made peace with all my exes and Kit's one ex gave us her blessing even before Kit accepted his love for me. Unless it's someone either of us had had a one-night stand or a short tryst with. Being the gentleman he is, Kit never liked to talk about the women he'd been with and so I only knew of his one ex but not any of the other women he might have been with. But if it's one of the women I have been with, it will be nearly impossible to track the responsible party. I was always fateful during the periods I dated but in between those periods I was, to say the least, promiscuous.

While waiting for the Doctor to be done with his exam, I racked my brain trying to remember if I'd ever been with anyone who gave off a dangerous vibe, but I couldn't. I couldn't remember all those one-night stands because I'm certain most of them were women I didn't know or care to know.

To say the Doctor was mad that Kit had to be brought back to the hospital the same night he'd been discharged was an understatement. He sent all of us home, asking that none of us be let in to see Kit until regular visiting hours the next day. He also insisted that there will be a nurse present during our visits, but he did reassure Kits parents that he was fine and will be even better if we stopped subjecting him to whatever it was that kept making him hysterical.

Knowing that their son was in the care of a very passionate Doctor put his parents mind at ease enough that they went home to get some rest. They needed it, they'd camped out here the whole week Kit was staying at the hospital. I on the other hand stayed at the hospital the whole night.

The next morning, I slowly walked behind his parents as they entered Kit's room accompanied by a nurse. Neither his parents nor I were sure if it was okay for me to be there but seeing how Kit had called out to me before passing out, we hopped that maybe, just maybe he'd remembered who I was.

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