10 - Possibilities

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I was the first to open my eyes the next morning. Kit's arm was thrown over my chest, his leg was hooked over my legs and his head was on my shoulder. I fought the edge to plant a kiss on his head at the familiar position we were sleeping in. Such sweet torture. I stayed still, wanting to enjoy the moment for as long as possible.

After what seemed like thirty minutes, Kit moved, stretching before snuggling into me more. I smiled as I moved and threw my other hand over him, pulling him against me as if his body wasn't already molded to mine. When he gave a small moan and tightened his hold on me, I stopped resisting and kissed the top of his head before drifting back into a blissful sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was late morning and my body felt light. After giving a contented stretch and smile, I sat up while I looked around for Kit, but he didn't seem to be in the room. I stepped into his bathroom to wash the sleep off my face and to freshen up.

"Hey! Don't you know how to knock? Asshole." His face turned red in fury and embarrassment as he held his towel up, covering himself from the chest to his thighs. Looking past him, I caught a reflection of his sexy ass in the mirror behind him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here." I gave a small smile after turning away from him and walked back into the bedroom. While I sat on the bed looking up at the ceiling and waiting for him to step out, I day dreamed about his creamy ass. Kit stepped out with the towel wrapped around his chest like a woman. I stifled a chuckle at the sight. I understand why he'd want to cover the bits below his waist from me, but I didn't understand why he had to cover his nipples too. Even if he doesn't really know who I am now, we're both men and there's nothing to be embarrassed about. But Kits attitude was telling me something else.

I must have been staring at him because he cleared his throat loudly and glared at me before randomly grabbing some clothes out of his closet and quickly stepping into the bathroom to get dressed. After enjoying the feel of Kit's warm body against mine, nothing could dampen my mood.

When he stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed, he seemed more confident until I smiled up at him. He blushed and hmphed, turning away from me and escaping out of the room. I freshened up in the bathroom before going downstairs to join Kit and his family.

"Mum, are M and I close or something?" I stopped just before I reached the bottom of the stairs when I heard Kit speak.

"Why do you ask?" His mum counter questioned.

"I don't know. He seems familiar and I-I feel comfortable around him but at the same time he makes me so...so...I don't know. It's bothering me that I don't know who he is but at the same time it's like I've known him all my life." Hearing Kit say this only made me much more excited to think that some part of him does know who I am.

"You'll find out in good time." His mum responded simply, making Kit groan, seemingly from frustration.

"Not you too. Ai'Beam gave..."

"Good morning or is it afternoon?" I descended the last of the stairs, interrupting Kit mid-sentence. "I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something?" I looked from Kit to his mum innocently when Kit frowned at my timely appearance.

"Did you hear what we were talking about?" Kit inquired suspiciously.

"Not really. Why? Were you talking about me?" Kit didn't seem convinced of my innocent expression, but he changed the subject.

"Are you going to go home? This time there is nothing stopping you."

"Actually yes, I've been wearing these clothes for too long." I looked down at the blue short sleeved shirt I'd bought while Kit and I were at the mall looking to purchase some furnishings for our new home. "Will you walk me to my car? I want to give you something." I looked into Kit's eyes, hoping he won't say no.

"Miiii...um... I mean M, aren't you going to have something to eat before you go? Yo told me you haven't been eating three square meals like the Doctor told you to."

"Aw mum, you don't need to worry about that. I eat properly, I promise." I gave Kit's mum a reassuring smile.

"Still. Have something before you go, lunch is almost done. If you prefer, I'll pack some for you to eat later instead." She smiled at me before making her way toward the kitchen. "You two spent all morning sleeping." I heard her mumble before she disappeared through the kitchens doorway. Kit awkwardly stood where he'd been when I walked in earlier.

"You should probably sit down. Your leg is still hurt." I spoke gently. Kit turned away from me and limped to the couch, dropping onto the middle of it. I contemplated taking one of the other seats, but I changed my mind and sat next to him.

"What is it you wanted to give me?" Kit asked after we'd been staring at the dark television screen for a long five minutes.

"My card." I turned, placing my bent left knee on the couch so I was fully facing him.

"Your card? Why would I want your card?" He gave me an incredulous look.

"So you can call me. I would like to hang out with you more. Maybe go for lunch or dinner sometime when you're feeling better." I draped a hand over the headrest of the couch and watched as a frown marred his face. I had intended to take it slower than this but after hearing that some part of him knows me, I wanted to get him to remember me as quickly and safely as possible because even though he was here, I still missed him. I want my Kit back. I want him sleeping next to me in our bed, I want to walk down the aisle with him and I want to be able to talk to him without worrying about triggering something bad.

"I don't want your number and I don't want to go anywhere with you." His words didn't affect the good mood I'd been in since earlier that morning. I shrugged at his words before standing up to collect the package of food his mum walked out of the kitchen with.

"See you later Kit." I gave him my most dazzling smile before walking out the door and to my car. I didn't miss the hitch in his breath at the smile I gave him. My heart was filled with positive possibilities as I pulled out my phone to make a call while I unlocked my car.

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