18. Nothing I Do Better Than Revenge

Start from the beginning

And right then I vowed to myself that Louis was in my past and we would be friends only. No other feelings were to break through.

***Louis' P.O.V***

The boys were pissed to say the least. They were calling up all the newspapers and telling them to delete the articles and erase rumours while I was just sitting there and ignoring everyone. I don't see the big deal. Harry gets these rumours all the time and all he has to do is tweet that he's single and it's all over. Why can't I just do that?

"Louis?" Someone asked from behind me. I looked behind me, over the back of the couch, to see Niall sitting there biting his lip.

"Yeah mate?" I asked, smiling at the blonde Irishman. He jumped over the back of the couch and settled down next to me.

"You know how Lily has that roommate, Shreya?" He asked. I nodded slowly. I remembered her, she had black hair and big brown eyes rimmed with glasses. She was insane, but she was attractive. "Well I've been talking to her lately and I think I'm starting to... You know... Like her." He mumbled, putting emphasis on 'like'.

"Oh! You mean, more than a friend?" I asked. He nodded shyly. Lately Niall had been changing because management wanted him being more open and out-there. The lad I was seeing here was the old Nialler. "Well why don't you see if you can meet up with her? Simon said nothing about dating Shreya." I suggested.

"Simon knows. He said I'm not allowed anywhere near Shreya while she's on the show. I guess I have to wait like you..." He frowned, getting upset. What he said sunk in and I let out a short bark of laughter.

"Niall, I have no intention in waiting." I told him, winking before getting off the couch and waltzing out of the living room.


I opened the shower door and turned the hot water on before turning around and stripping off. I tossed my clothes in the laundry basket before stepping into the hot spray of the shower. I let the water run down my back for a minute, soothing the sore and tense muscles, before tilting my head back and letting the water run through my hair and over my face.

The whole time I was in the shower I thought of Lily. Ever since I met that weird girl I'd been a lot more serious around everyone. I hadn't screamed out something random lately. But maybe that was a good thing? I didn't know. And I'm thinking I never will.

***Lily's P.O.V***

"Come on, Simon! I know you hate me because of what I did, and I'm sorry, but I was pissed! You lied to me and I hate liars. But now here's your chance to show everyone that I can put emotion into any song you choose. Well we choose. Please Simon!" I begged. I was about to get down on my knees and cry so he would listen but I stopped when he sighed.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked. I jumped up and fist-pumped.

"Yes! Thank you!" I yelled, hugging him. He pushed me off and scowled. "Okay, what I have in mind is this..." And I went on to describe what I saw when I went out and sung. I went through every last detail of the song and then sung it to him. He pursed his lips and nodded.

"Okay. We'll do it your way. But we're telling people we did it my way." He told me. I nodded and bit my lip. "What now, Lily?" He sighed.

"Can I choose my outfit?" I asked. He face-palmed and nodded. I smiled and ran off before he could change his mind.

I ended up in my room and I decided this was the best place for me to start practicing instead of starting off with Simon tomorrow. I really had to nail this.


I'd been backstage so many times, listening to everyone laugh and cheer at my video of my week, but every single time the nerves always got the best of me. Right now I wanted to run away and hide, but instead I went through my vocal warm-ups and breathed.

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