Chase grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, then furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he spotted our school mascot. "Why is Dewey the Dingo standing in the hall?"

"Uh, I don't know." Adam said, finally paying attention. "But I think it means we get six more weeks of winter."

Suddenly, the hallway lights dimmed and a spotlight appeared. It started moving across the room when the intercom cackled to life and Perry started talking out of it. "Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing your Principal, a four eleven spitfire from Portland Maine...Terry Perry!"

She came running out of her office, hi-fiving students as she did so. I made sure to shove the hand that wasn't holding Chase's in my pocket. There was no way in hell that I was going to touch her. Who knew what type of swamp she was living in?

"Just thought I'd spice up the morning announcements." Perry said. "Takes me back to the days when I used to play pro ball in Romania." She stretched out her creepy little legs. "Here you go, kid." She took off her sweatbands and handed them to a random student. "A souvenir."

"I can't believe I want to go to class right now." I murmured. Chase heard and chuckled softly.

Perry walked over to Dewey. "I'm sure you're all wondering why Dewey the Dingo is here. Every year before the big homecoming game against the Deerfield High Leaping Llamas, some punk manages to steal Dewey. No matter where I put it, they always find a way to get it."

"Maybe you should try wearing it." Chase joked." That'll keep people away." I bit my tongue to stifle my laughter.

"Do you really want to go there, Susie skinny jeans?" She questioned, her voice full of mockery. "Any who, to make certain they don't take him this year," A student handed Perry a clipboard. "I'm assigning round the clock shifts." She shoved the clipboard into Chase's chest. "Alright! I'm going to hit the hot tub. Heard a couple of things pop when I ran out of here." She walked back into her office.

Chase looked at the clipboard and groaned. "Two man shifts and she paired me up with you." He was obviously talking about Adam. If he was talking about me, I would remove a vital organ that restricts him from having children.

"Great." Adam smiled. "So we got one man, who's the other one?"

I sighed. "Adam, lay off your brother."

"Alex, you know I can't do that." He ruffled Chase's hair before walking off.

I turned to Chase who had a scowl on his face. "Don't let Adam get to you."

He bit his lip. "How mad do you think Davenport would be if sent Adam to Jupiter?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, how would you even do that?"

"I have my ways, babe. I have my ways." He started chuckling evilly, and since I didn't want to watch him lose his mind, I walked away. "Hey! Don't leave!" He yelled after me. All I did was laugh and run down the hall.


The next day, I was in the hallway with Adam and Chase watching the stupid Dingo. I didn't even know why I had to be here.

"This is a waste of time." Chase complained. "I could be doing my homework!"

Adam looked at me. "How are you still with him?" He pointed to Chase.

All I did was roll my eyes. "Shut it, Adam."

"I know, and I could be standing in front of a mirror, squishing my face to see how I'll look when I'm old. Ooh! This is a week before my 53rd birthday." Adam said, then took the opportunity to squish his face.

Not What It Seems (Chase Davenport/Lab Rats Story)Where stories live. Discover now