Chapter 1

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A Companion Or An Enemy?

Some basement in Kanto;

A raven haired man sat by his armchair in his office smirking to himself as he glanced down at the documents he had just received. "Well, I guess it is easier said than done, at least I made it. We have finally gained control of the Silph Company." Even though the man thought he mumbled to himself he could not help but knowing that two of his men stood by the door, obviously listening to their leader's words.

"Uh sir...we have just received information about who got their starter this year in Pallet Town..." One of the men spoke as he stepped forwards, moving closer to the male sitting there. It seems he was not quite pleased by that statement. "How many times have I told you guys...I do not care about be-" He could not even finish his sentence before he got interrupted once again. How would that man dare to do that to his leader? Better be something important. "But one...he has the same last name as you!" The grunt exclaimed as he received a raised eyebrow from the powerful man facing him. The other grunt standing by the door was really frightened by that and had left the room already.

"I see...hmm you are dismissed...NOW." The male spoke, almost growling out that last word. The grunt just did as he was told and ran away, not wanting to cause anymore trouble with him.

Standing up from his armchair, he walked his way towards the window to grab something that looked like an old photo, a photo of a younger him, holding onto a baby, beside him stood his lover, resting her head against his shoulder, a tear drop falling down onto the photo as he looked down at it. A tear of sadness or happiness? He could not tell. "So you have finally begun your journey? I cannot wait to see you...Ash."

Route 1:

"Pikachu use Thundershock!" Ash commanded his Pokemon as he watched the mouse Pokemon running closer towards the bird Pokemon before jumping up high in the air and released multiple shocks of electricity knocking the bird Pokemon, Pidgey out. "Alright there we go! Awesome work Pikachu, remember we have to get really strong before finding ourselves another companion." Ash exclaimed in happiness as he ran towards the Mouse Pokemon and hugged him. The Pidgey, along with many other Pidgeys around the two laid on the ground, fainted. "That was probably the ninth one we have taken down, hahaha..." Ash laughed lightly to himself as he scratched the back of his neck before standing up and dusted the dirt off his pants, he could feel Pikachu jumping back to his shoulder immediately. Quite the uncomfortable feeling but he was sure he would get used to it in time.

"I think we overdid it a bit, Pikachu." Ash responded laughing as he realized that the two had taken out so many Pidgeys. What surprised him was the fact that Pikachu was not damaged at all, not for now at least. 

"Anyways, Let's get going. It seems like we caused quite the lot here." With that the young male was ready to leave the place but after just a mere steps he got interrupted by a huge wind and a squeaking voice. Standing still he glanced up to see a way larger bird flying towards him. Obviously he was the one leading all the Pidgeys and head of the 'clan'.

"Wow, look at that. It's not everyday you see a Pidgeotto heading right towards you in anger." Ash replied as a chuckle escaped his lips. "Anyways, let's catch him Pikachu!"

"Pika...Pika." The Electric Mouse Pokemon squeaked and nodded as he immediately jumped off Ash shoulder and got into a fighting stance, ready to attack whenever he got the order to do so.

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