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" Welcome to the Durley Brother's Ice cream shop, what can I get for you? ", A woman asked as Aron entered the shop. He was sure it wasn't the girl he was talking to because she looked old enough to be a college graduate.

" Mint chocolate. ", He smiled and instead of sitting at one of the many tables, he stood by the counter.

" Sir, you can sit. We'll serve you when we are done. ", Aron understood that she was trying to shoo him away but it didn't work obviously. He was way too adamant on finding her at the moment.

" I will but before that, can I ask you a question? "

The woman nodded her head.

" Is any girl from the Jefferson High School working here? From the senior grade specifically? ", Aron pondered, not realising that he looked creepy while doing it. The woman was very troubled by this man standing in front of her while asking about High school girls and honestly she would have hit him if he wasn't a customer at the moment.

" We can't disclose such information to you because many students from that school works here so please don't ask me anything further. ", The woman slammed the ice cream cup in front of him which scared the shit out of him to say the very least.
" Thank you for ordering. "

Aron understood that it was his cue to leave so quickly finishing off his payment, he left the shop when he spotted a familiar face.

" Regina...? ", He muttered as he saw her walk into the shop without even glancing at Aron once.

" Regina! Obviously it was Regina all along. When sasha gave me a wrong number, it makes sense that she gave out her cousin's number and even Regina was there when I went to talk to Sasha that day. It was right in front of my eyes all along yet it took me so much time! ", Aron quickly connected the dots in his head and was about to head in for a confrontation but he suddenly stopped.

Everything fit into it's place like a perfect puzzle yet he wasn't sure. Taking a sharp turn, he walked back home.


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