Nala smiles and watches Lilo as she sits up and slaps her hand in Jacobs for him to do it again. He has to do it several times before she climbs into him for his muffin. "Jacob seems to be going soft in old age." Paul taunts smirking, but Jacob just rolls his eyes and plays with the adorable girl.

"So how do you guys all fit in here? What is this house, a tardis?" Nala smirks.

"They know if they break my house I break them." Sam smirks.

Nala laughs. "I believe that. How come you guys all know each other, hang out?" She wonders out loud.

The boys share a look with Sam and Jacob, their alphas; they aren't sure what to say. Jacob covers for them as he still focuses on Lilo. "We work together. Sort of protecting the res."

"Nice. Wouldn't wanna mess with you guys that's for sure - although Paul may be right, Jacobs got baby brain." She smirks.

Jacob sticks his tongue out and let's Lilo take him to her toys in the living room, Quil following. Nala sees hesitant but she trusts that Emily and Sam trust these teens on steroids. And Lilo probably could put them all on their ass and cause more damage to them than they could to her. She smiles at the thought.

While Nala is distracted, Emily taps Seth on the shoulder and heads outside, hoping he'll get her subtle hint and follow. He does, thankfully, and leaves it a moment before he pretends to answer a call; Nala doesn't notice but the others do, especially Sam who frowns and listens in.

Seth meets Emily in the garage. "What's up?" He frowns at his cousin.

"I need you to somehow get Nala around Edward and Jasper. I need to know what she's truly feeling, thinking... I need to know she's okay." Emily pleads.

Seth frowns. "Em... that's a little bit intrusive-"

"I know. But I have no idea what frame of mind she's been in or is in! I need to know so I can protect Lilo and her, so I can be there for her even if she won't let me - she's been here 48 hours and she's barely said a word unless spoken to. I'm her big sister I need to be there for her."

"I..." Seth seems hesitant. "How do I do it?"

"You'll find a way." She looks him in the eyes for a moment before kissing his cheek and heading back inside.

Nala smiles as she watches Jacob fake cry as Lilo knocks his tower down. "Lilo, apologise." She says sternly, however.

"Sowwy." She blushes and twirls from side to side, looking down.

Jacob laughs and kisses her cheek. "Okay I guess you're forgiven sweetheart. May I have a kiss?" He points to his cheek and Lilo giggles, stretching on her tiptoes still despite Jacob being sat down; she kisses his cheek gently before going back to playing.

"She's very well mannered." Jared smiles as he too watches.

"Thank you - I do try." Nala smiles.

"So adorable." Paul smiles.

Sam sniggers. "I think Paul's gone soft- ow!" He laughs as Paul leans back on his chair and punches Sam's arm hard.

"Has she had that cough long?" Seth frowns as he leans on the wall. Lilo coughs a little as she plays.

Nala frowns. "A few days... I thought it may pass. A-am I a bad mom for not getting it checked sooner?" She pales a little.

"Don't be silly." Emily frowns and glances at Seth.

"My friends a doctor - want me to call him?" Seth rests his hand on his cousins shoulder, feeling bad for sparking the deep concern he sees in her eyes right now but Emily asked for a way and he found one.

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