Back To The Future

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Authors Note: please read the authors note at the end of the chapter. It is important for the next chapter.

"Whoa Sasuke, hey man." Kiba welcomed the Uchiha.

The dark haired teen stood tall and silent, taking in the appearance of the room. He spotted an open seat in between Kakashi and Sakura and sat down. Sasuke then turned to look at Naruto and Sakura who had been staring at him so hard, you'd think they could see through him. "What? Is this not my seat?" He said. His face still absent of any expression.

"Um welcome back Sasuke. It's really nice to see you." Sakura smiled. A brush slowly crept over her face.

"Hn.." Sasuke shrugged, brushing her comment off.

Sakura's shoulders fell as she looked to the floor.

"Hey, Sasuke!" Naruto shot forward in his seat to lean across Sakura and stare at the Uchiha. "You, me, training field. Right after this." He glared.

"Shut it, Dobe."

Naruto growled and made a move to hit Sasuke.

Sakura grabbed Naruto's arm and pushed him back into his seat. "Knock it off."

Naruto growled in anger and crossed his arms over his chest in frustration.

"Alright everyone let's settle down. I'm aware that we have some knew faces in the crowd so, I will give a brief explanation as to what will be happening." Hagoromo waited for someone to speak up. When no one did, he continued. "Some of you were previously gathered to watch your future. I've done so not only because I find it entertaining, but to inform you of devastating events. With knowing this information I hope to lessen the amount of casualties within the next few years. For example, a couple years ago Lord Third was a dead man walking. We were able to prevent his death."

Konohamaru gasped and looked at his Grandfather in surprise.

Hiruzen looked to Konohamaru and nodded his head to confirm it was true.

"To start us off, I thought we could would do something a bit different. Boruto and his friends are starting to get an idea of what his parents generation is like. So, I'm going to mix it up and we will watch scenes from Boruto's time." Hagoromo explained.

"Alright! I'll get to see me as Hokage! I bet I'm awesome." Naruto clenched his fists in front of him in excitement.

Boruto spoke up. "Actually, Dad you're pretty lame."

Naruto gasped and turned white. He sulked in his chair.

There were a few laughs about the room.

"Hagoromo, I have a question." The mysterious man spoke up.

"Yes, Shino?"

"Who are the three sand ninja?" Shino questioned.

"That is a great question that I will not answer. Everyone will just have to wait and see." Hagoromo said.

The three new sand ninja stayed silent.

"It's like I'm looking in a mirror." Kankuro joked.

"Alright, let's get started."

The lights faded and everyone became focused on the screen as it lit up.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I need you guys to vote. I'm going to be doing Boruto the movie next and will be including scenes from the show to fill in the blanks as to what happened. BUT we all know the end fight is different so, I need you guys to vote and tell me which ending you want to see. Simply say movie or tv show and I will know. The sooner you comment on this, the sooner I can do the next chapter. Keep in mind I'm not a huge fan of the Boruto show so I don't want to get into that too much

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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