"Good luck lightweight." He whispers and then walks away. I turn back around to look at him, but he is gone in a flash.

"Issac?" I ask when I am standing in front of him.

He looks around everywhere, except me, and I hate it. He would always look at me, and I mean look at me with his intense gray eyes and now he isn't and I hate it.

"Do you hate me?" 

He finally looks down into my hazel eyes. His normal light gray eyes are now a dark grey, stormy like.

"I don't hate you Bay. I could never hate you."

"Then please talk to me." I plead, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Isn't that what we are doing now?" He asks, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Issac. Please. Tell me how to fix this. I-I need to fix this. I need to fix us. Issac, I miss you." 

"If Armani didn't come to your house to convince you that the rumors were a lie and you didn't get those documents proving that I was indeed NOT a father, would you be talking to me right now?" He asks, his jaw set and his eyes ablaze with anger.


"Answer the question Bay." He says slowly and in a deep, angry voice that he has never used.

I release a deep sigh and look down at my feet.

I can't lie to him. He would know.

"No." I whisper out.

"Alright then." He says and walks away. A lone tear sides down my cheek and the emptiness grows inside me and despite being surrounded by hundreds of kids, I feel completely alone.

And it is the worst feeling ever.

Well, other than hurting the guy who you love.

I open up my locker and put in my books and close it. I walk out the school building and start on my trek home, by foot.


"Go away!" I groan and blow my nose in the Kleenex and throw it on the floor among the other thousand of snotty tissues on the floor. I cover my face with my blanket and let the tears flow down my face, knowing that if I build this up, I will explode.

"Bay?" A familiar voice asks and the door knob twists and in walks Armani with a bag of what smells like Chinese food.

"What are you doing here?" I mumble and turn away from him and look at the framed picture on my nightstand next to me of Issac and I when we went to his cousin's birthday party and Issac smudged birthday cake on my face. 

"I brought food. Cartier says food is always a winner. She wishes she was here, but you know she is in Manhattan."

"Why. are. you. here?" I say again, pronouncing every word.

"To offer comfort to my favorite lightweight."

"Oh, so you thought it was a good idea that my ex-boyfriend's best friend come here to offer me 'comfort'? Boys really are stupid." I lash out at him and close my eyes.

"Issac didn't break up with you Bay."

"Really? Because ignoring me for 3 days, not talking to me, refusing to see me, yeah he broke up with me." I croak out and fresh tears roll down my face, causing me to sniffle more.

"Issac is hurt, but he will get over it. He is a big boy. He just needs a minute. It happens to the best of us."

"This is different Mani" I tell him, using my nickname for him.

"I think not. Issac loves you. Love can't be thrown away. You guys will be fine. Relationships include fights Bay."

"Only if you actually are in a relationship. I am not." I mumble. 

"It will get better. I promise." He says and looks down at his watch. "I would love to stay and chat, but I have a flight to catch." He says and gets up.

"A flight? It's the middle of the school week."

"Yup. I am heading to New York to surprise Cartier and be there as support for her big dance at M A D M. Don't tell her though." He says and winks.

That is absolutely adorable.

*insert the longest depressing sigh ever*

"It will be better. I promise. I would know. I have been in a 2 and a half year relationship with Cartier. We have fought A LOT. She ignored me for 2 weeks one time. I ignored her for 5 days. Listen, Issac can barely breathe without you. He feels like he is drowning right now and eventually he will need to come up for air. You are his oxygen. Remember that?" He says and walks to the door. He turns the knob, but then stops and looks back.

"That was deep." He says looking gobsmacked. He has the biggest grin on his face as he walks out the door, leaving me in the room with a bag of Chinese on the table.

I look down at my phone and then back up at the bag of delicious Chinese food awaiting me. 

I need to speak to him.

I dial Issac's number and wait while it rings. It goes to voicemail and it says to leave a message.

I take in a deep breath. I can do this.

"Hey Issac, it's Bay..."

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