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"Ugh this is ridiculous!" I shouted while struggling to button up my grey pants. I knew I had gained a few pounds these past couple of months, but who wouldn't if the company you worked for shut down leaving a car and house note to pay every month? I finally settled on a black pencil skirt with the help of a girdle to smooth my muffin top out and a white blouse. I took a look in my full length mirror, my light makeup left a glow-like tent to my round brown face, my hair was just down in loose curls since I had just got a fresh perm, and the skirt was kind of tight for my liking but what else can I do?

Making a mental note to do some clothes shopping I hurried down the stairs to grab a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Hopefully skipping out on a few meals would help me shed these pounds I've gained. I have always been on the heavy side but the way my hips are starting to spread I'll be in a size 18 in no time and lord knows a size 16 is already too much to take right now.

"Dammit" I sighed as drops of orange juice fell from the corner of my mouth onto my skirt. I took a deep breath. This has to be the worst beginning to a first day of work by far. Moving to put the rest of the orange juice back in the fridge I silently thanked god that my skirt was black. I grabbed a few napkins and headed out the door and got in my black 2010 Camry. Freeway traffic was backed up as usual, typical of New York City. Stealing a glance at the radio clock I saw I still had 15mins before I was due to work because I always put in a ten-minute cushion just in case I was running late.

Making my way into the giant building that would be my new work kind of had me nervous. Who wouldn't be nervous working for William Blake the richest, most well known black CEO in New York? And becoming his new financial adviser means we will be working very closely together. Not that it's a problem I am very good at what I do - I might be insecure about a lot of things in my life but my work performance is definitely not one of them. Stepping off the elevator I walked up to what looked to be the secretary's desk. Putting a big smile on my face I got the secretary attention,

"Hi I'm Lisa Jones. I'm here to meet Mr. Blake. He should be expecting me. I'm his new financial advisor."

The secretary looked up with a pleasant smile. Once she saw my face it faltered a bit. She started looking me up and down slowly like I was being inspected for approval.

"Yes have a seat and I will let Mr. Blake know you're here" She said with a little too much attitude for my liking.

Dang, what did I do to this bitch? Maybe she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed I thought as I was taking my seat. The last thing I need is to be making enemies on my first day. After about five minutes the secretary said Mr. Blake was ready to see me. Standing up, I followed her down the hall to what I assume is my new boss' office; walking behind gave me an opportunity to see her in full view. And to think I thought my skirt was tight, I'm surprised she could even more her legs to walk. Speaking of walking I looked down at her feet to see six - inch "fuck me" heels. You know the kind with the spike heel and three inch platform in black shiny patent leather? It was something I would never wear to work.

"This is his office right here" she said and turned to walk away.

"Well I guess I'll be getting no introduction today," I said under my breath once she was out of earshot.

Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door. When I heard a deep voice say come in, I twisted the knob and walked into the office. To say it was luxurious would be an understatement. The office was as big as the whole bottom floor of my house. The left side was like a lounge with a couch, two chairs and coffee table with a bar behind it. To the right looked to be a room that had a full bathroom and closet. The back drop to the office included floor to ceiling windows that had the most breathe taking view of New York City I had ever seen. I heard someone clear their throat and it caused me to jump a little. Coming back to reality I walked further into the room.

"Hi, I'm Lisa Jones" I said stretching out my hand to shake his. He immediately stood, and it kind of overwhelmed me because I was not expecting him to be so tall. He had to be about 6 foot 5 inches and even in my heels he towered over me.

"I'm William Blake," he said shaking my hand. "Take a seat". My nerves began to come back and I felt like I was in the principal office about to be suspended for doing something wrong. He was looking at a file on his desk, and while he did that I took the time to take him in fully. He had to be the sexiest man I have ever seen. He had smooth cocoa brown skin, wide shoulders, and a low fade with deep waves you could go swimming in. He brought a whole new meaning to tall, dark and handsome. He was defiantly nice to look at, and that's all he was to me: a work of art to admire, not to touch. As if my fat ass ever stood a chance. I snorted at my mental thought and he looked up at me.

"Did you say something?" he asked, looking at me with eyes that seemed to see straight through me.

"N-no" I stuttered.

"I was reading your file here and it said you graduated at the top of your class from NYC?" He began.

"That's correct," I said.

"I also have all your bank records and credit card statements since you began college. I see you are buying a house now that you are 5 months behind on payment along with your car."

Damn, this is where he tells me he can't hire me because I can't even keep up with my own finances so there must be no way I could manage his. I opened my mouth to try and save my ass but he started back up again.

"But I also see that the previous company you worked for was bought out and you lost your job. That explains why you would be behind on your bills."

I was so busy thinking of ways to save my self it didn't occurred to me how he knows so much about me.

"Excuse me Mr. Blake, but umm how do you know so much of my personal business?" I asked curiously.

"Well anyone that works for me, especially someone as close as you will be, has to be checked out completely. I had a background check done as well." He stated

At that moment it clicked for me - I am sitting in the room with "The" William Blake, he had to be linked to some very important people. I didn't know if I should be excited or a little afraid at the idea of how powerful this man is.

"I will call my secretary Chloe in to take you to your new office so you can get comfortable. Everything you need should be on your desk, and I'm sure you know what to do." He said as he looked down like I had been dismissed. I rose from my chair and walk out. The secretary who I now presume is Chloe was waiting tapping her foot impatiently. I rolled my eyes and followed her to the office right next door. After she left I dropped my purse in the bottom drawer and began my official first day at work.


Thanks so much for reading my first chapter!!!!! PLEASE comment and let me know what you think I really need some feedback like I said this is my first story.

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