Chapter 14: Meeting Nate's parents

Start from the beginning

Emma had told me she wanted a full report of how Nate’s parents were like. He rarely showed them on videos and she said that the viewers knew hardly anything about them. Now I could see why. They were not the type that would react kindly to having shoved a camera in their face.

“Nate got great grades in school, it was a shame he didn’t get to use them,” the father commented.

“But I understand that you don’t want to be filmed, is that correct Abigail?” his father asked me.

“Yes, but that only because…”

“See,” his mother interrupted me, “even your girlfriend find the vlogging-thing weird.”

My cheeks inflated with blood, causing me to blush. She was putting words in my mouth that I didn’t say and definitely didn’t mean.

I could feel that Nate shifted position next to me. He was regretting bringing me home for to meet his parents. I knew he had only agreed because he thought it was something he had to do and evidently they had been very keen on meeting me.

“No,” I said. My voice ringing out loud and clear. “I don’t find it weird. I’ve grown accustomed to it. The only reason I don’t want to be on camera for 3 million people to see, that’s how many that watches Nate and thinks he’s awesome, is because I don’t want our relationship to be digested when it’s in this early a stage. It’s for us and us only. We’re growing closer and closer but we’re still learning new things about each other every day. Like today I learnt that though he is the kindest person I’ve ever known it isn’t something he has inherited from either of his parents. He loves making videos and interacting with young people and help shaping their minds and informing them on important matters. Some of his videos are just to make them laugh but sometimes you need that. So that you can turn on your laptop and see a friendly smile and someone who made content just to entertain you. But no matter what you’re his parents, you should support him no matter what!”

I was now standing up. My temper was getting the better of me and I knew I should be mortally embarrassed for making such a scene in front of my boyfriend’s parents, but luckily the adrenalin rush prevented that, for now. 

“I’m sorry, Nate. I need a minute,” I left the table only to pause around the corner to catch my breath. My hands were shaking and I felt like I might combust in tears if someone spoke to me. It wasn’t that I was sad, frankly disregarding my lack of tact, I was very proud of myself. A month ago I would never have dreamt that I could stand up to someone like that.

Silence had hung over the table since I bolted a minute ago. Then his mother broke it.

“Nate, do you really think that we don’t support you?”

I was still close enough to pick up on the conversation, maybe I shouldn’t be eavesdropping but I couldn’t help myself. My curiosity often got the best of me.

“I know you wanted me to go to university and study and get a big fancy job. But Abbs is right, I love what I do right now and I feel so blessed. I’ve gotten so far with my channel; I’ve created an entire community. I’ve made some of my best friends through being on YouTube and uploading that first video from my old bedroom upstairs over two years ago was the best decision I ever made.”

He paused and I could see the image of him on my inner eye. Eyes fired up like they always where when he talked about something he was passionate about. His lips would be slightly parted as he paused to take a breath and evaluate the situation. God, all I wanted to do was run in there and hug and kiss him.

“You should be able to see that and you could try and support me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to find my wonderful girlfriend.”

“Son, hold on,” it was the father’s voice this time.

“It’s not on purpose, it’s just hard for us to understand that Internet thing. Maybe we can arrange a day in which you tell us about it and maybe show us some of those videos. Preferably those about shaping young minds.”

I got up and went to the bathroom and just as I closed the door, I heard a gentle knock. He entered without my permission though he didn’t need it.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and pressed my lips to his. His hands found my lower back and deepened the kiss shortly only to then hug me tightly.

“I know you heard everything. You never miss an opportunity to eavesdrop.”

“Am I that predicta…?”

“Lip between teeth,” he said before I could really finish my sentence but I had already started taking my lips in-between my teeth.

“Hey, stop doing that. It freaks me out how well you know me!”

We laughed and stayed in each other’s embrace.

“I’m proud of you,” he whispered into my ear and it sent shivers down my back.

“It’s you who inspired me. The way you stood up for Marcus and Alfie and the way that you never let anyone badmouth your friends or me. It’s always much easier to stand up for someone you love rather than yourself. But you did it for yourself today.”

“Only after you pushed me into it. I’m glad you did though,” he spoke into my hair.

“We should always push each other to be better. It’s the best part about being with you. I always feel like I need to be the best person I can be, it not that I need to meet some demand but it just automatically makes me work on those parts that I’ve always wanted to improve but never had the guts to.”

“So that’s the best part, huh? What about the kisses and the intimacy?” he teased.

“Nate,” I said and smacked him on his arm. “We’re at your parents house! Keep a clean tone,” I said but erupted into a fit of giggles.

“I did,” he said and hugged me even tighter.

“But yeah, that part's pretty good too, I guess,” I laughed. “However I still mostly love you for your beautiful mind and kind heart.”

“I love that you have an opinion on everything, even when you don’t voice it. I love hearing you ramble about business formulas that I don’t understand. I love how you give everything to the few people you allow into your life.”

“I think we’re being a bit sappy,” I said but actually didn’t mind at all.

“Yeah, we better get back to my parents. I haven’t finished eating.”

“You already filled up twice!” I laughed. Nate had a huge love of food and I could tell that his father’s special chilli con carne must be a favourite of his.

I grabbed his hand and walked back to the table with him. Now his parents were sending us smiles and interestingly began to ask about Nate’s YouTube and my blog. We kept our fingers intertwined under the table for the remainder of the meal, Nate gracefully succeeded in the challenge of eating with one hand, and I felt there wasn’t anything I couldn’t do with his warm hand in mine.

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