Chapter Fifty Nine

Start from the beginning

"You need to stop! We want to help you Mallory!"

Mallory looked right into Ally's eyes and the voice that came out of Lauren's body was completely different.

"Listen here you bitch, I didn't like you in high school. You prayed you talked to God, you tried to get me to stop drinking and guess what It didn't fucking happen. You tried to help me and I never let you. The day after I died you held a prayer circle and you said may we never forget our friend Mallory, guess what Ally everyone did. Nobody remembered me. My mom and dad spoil my little sister. They take her on vacation and they do everything with her. I never got anything. You think I want help? I want to live my life through Lauren., The life I never fucking got!"

Ally still had ahold of Lauren's hair. Mallory wasn't fighting as hard. Derek and Nick came over and carried Lauren's body upstairs. She was kicking and screaming the whole way. Ally, Dinah, and Camila watched in pure terror. They knew they had to help Lauren but they knew Mallory wouldn't make this easy.

Nick and Derek tied Lauren's hands to the arms of the chair, and then handcuffed her ankles to the chair. 

Nick took everyone but Derek and Lauren into the hallway.

"Camila when I start the exorcism it's gonna be different then before. You're gonna have to shout things to Lauren to get her back. Dinah you stand out in the hallway with Ally. She obviously has some bad blood with Ally. I'm gonna run downstairs and get my briefcase I need my bible my crosses and holy water. Then I will start this."

Camila went back into her bedroom. She saw Lauren's body tied up and heard the moans of Mallory coming out of her fiancé. She hated this. Her eyes her blue. Nothing about Lauren was in that body anymore. Camila got emotional. She had watched Normani pass away, she had watched Amaya almost die. She had lost her dream of living in this amazing house with her family. Dinah and her were the only thing that were the same, except Dinah was going to have to be a mom. Her and Lauren hardly slept at all together the last few weeks.  Camila had watched Dinah almost take her life. This was tearing her apart. This wasn't fun for her to watch. Her life as she once knew it was no longer. She took one last look at Lauren's body and knew she was going to fight hard to get Lauren back. She knew she might have to risk her own life to get Lauren back. 

When Nick returned, Camila was by far ready. 

Nick grabbed a cross out of his bag and as soon as he did that Camila yelled "See that Mallory go to hell!"

Nick looked at Camila and was shocked, "Camila you're supposed to talk to Lauren to have her fight to come back."

"I want Mallory gone Nick. She belongs in Hell. After the horrible alcohol problem Lauren had in high school because of Mallory, God Nick, Lauren deserves to be free of this!"

Nick nodded his head "I understand, but the more Lauren hears you talking to her she'll fight back. Lauren would talk to you when you were possessed and help you back, Lauren would do the same for you. You have to do it now more than ever."

Camila understood, although she wished it was already over and that she had Lauren back.

Nick slowly placed crosses around the room. It got so cold. Cassidy's voice appeared, "Devil is here."

Nick knew Mallory's spirit was devil like, and she would be going to burn in hell with the devil, but it needed to happen soon. Mallory could take over Lauren's body forever and she would never come back. Mallory could end up killing Lauren and then take over her body. It needed to happen soon, every minute was agonizing.

Nick stepped toward Lauren's body and placed one hand on her forehead and the other one on her chest. He looked into her eyes and she spit at him, but he spit back. He wasn't letting her win. He needed Lauren back for her sake and everyone else. These girls had been through enough. 

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