With just one flick of her hand she makes all the table that haven't burn down to ash into the air and the ones that aren't one fire are now on fire. She point at me and all at once the tables were thrown at my way. It happened so fast but the only thing I can do is put my hand over my head and hope that it won't hurt much. I close eyes and prepare myself for the hit of the tables. But the tables never came, I thought that they would hurt me but I never got hit by them. I slowly open my eyes and I see that the tables floating in the air and they aren't even on fire anymore. All the tables are surrounded by blue glow that I think is stopping them from hitting me or something but I never did anything to stop them. But then I look at my hand and notice that both my hand are glowing blue which means that this is because of me. I feel the pain from the burn start to fade as I look down at my leg and see that the burn mark is closing by a blue glow.

The blue glow on my leg looks like water and when the wound is completely closed water runs down my leg which doesn't hurt me. I stand up and what ever my hands are doing and holding those tables I just keep doing that. As I stand up the tables are lifted higher into the air then they were and they backed a little bit away from me. Mortem looks terrified of the sight she is seeing, but as soon as I look behind her I notice that the huge dog has stood up and is now growling at me. I think I just made that dog angry by stabbing it in the paw with my knife, still when I look at the paw I stabbed it has turned purple and his bleeding a lot yet the dog is standing on it. I can see the pain in its eyes but it doesn't matter. "What is happening here!?!" She yells as she is watching those tables. I wonder, if she was able to throw them and move them at her own will just by moving her hands than maybe I can too.

I lift my right hand up in the air and half of the tables lift higher than the other ones. Putting my right hand down a bit and my left hand up the tables on the right go down and the tables on the left go up. I think I got the hang of it. I know exactly how to do this. With my left hand I throw in the dogs way and all the tables on the left hit the dog, mostly in the head. I need to knock him down otherwise she will get on the dog like a horse and I'm back to square one which is not good for me right now. The dog doesn't seem affected by those tables which means I need to find another say to knock it out but I see that she is to busy noticing if the dog is hurt or not so I use my chance. With the flick of my right hand I throw the rest of the tables at her and one of them hits her and makes her fall down to the ground hard. If I thought she was angry before, I was so wrong. Now she is angry. Her black dress is on fire but doesn't burn up, her hair is on fire. And her eyes show nothing but fire in them. I'm so sure she is angry right now.

I guess getting hit by a table is something to be angry for, that that I know what that feels like since I have never gotten hit by a table. Flames start to from all around her and a flaming wall forms from her hands and I can't see her now. Suddenly the flaming wall is thrown at me and I jump out of the way to not get hit and I was millimeters from getting hit as I land hardly on the floor. I am quick to stand up since I have no idea when I will be needing to dodge something next. This goes on for some time, she is just throwing fire at me and I dodge it easily, she isn't really fast by throwing everything at me so this isn't hard. The only problem is that this is getting so tiring for me and I can't do anything. I have tried getting close to strike her with my magic or my knives but I almost got hit by that.

And that dog keeps growling at me and I know it is ready to strike me when she says. I will just have to run there and hope I get a chance to do something to her. I can not allow her to hurt more people, every now and then I check to see if Jason is all right and he is all right. He is just passed out I think, if not then I am in big trouble. Still I force myself not to worry about Jason right because I am fighting for my life right now and even if Jason is the love of my life I can not fight her while I worry about him. Even if I desperately want to worry about him until he is safe in my arms but I can not let myself get distracted right now. As soon as this is over I am saving Jason, nothing else. When this woman is defeated Jason will be the first thing on my mind, but that hasn't happened yet. I am still in a battle between life and death right now.

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