Chapter 7: My Valentine

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~~~time skip brought to you by Elfman's manliness~~~

You're practically jumping out of your seat on the train as you are forced to stay seated seated, bouncing in place as you daydream. Though normally fairly patient, you couldn't help but let out a small squeal in anticipation to get back to the guild. You'd run into Erza on your last job and she'd 'suggested' that you hurry back to the guild "You wouldn't want to miss Valentine's Day now would you?" You couldn't believe it. How could a month pass by so quickly? Then again, you and Bickslow had gone on several dates already, including dinners at restaurants, dancing, a bar, the park, the cinema, and a few quiet ones cooking dinner and watching movies at home. You suppose with all of that happening, a month can go by rather quickly.

Most of the jobs both of you have taken lately have been quick, no more than three or four days each so you could enjoy going on a variety of dates, finding out what you both enjoyed. This latest job was no exception, the quick job had dragged you out of Magnolia close to the famous couples' holiday. Apparently, you'd left just before the guild started making preparations for their annual picnic in the park under the large trees. Thanks to your dates, you know that both you and Bickslow enjoy being in nature and have even had your own picnic date in that very park as your second date. Now you just have to decide if you want to spend Valentine's Day alone with him, or with the entire guild. You'll have to ask him when you get back. At least Valentine's Day is still a week away, otherwise, you might not have enough time to get him something.

The train pulls into Magnolia station while you're still daydreaming. Thankfully, Nox has you covered. He grabs a strand of your hair and gives a light tug, just enough to get your attention. You jump a little at having been shocked out of your thoughts, but quickly piece together how and why enough to grab your things, and step off the train just as the whistle blows, signaling its departure. You smile at the bird fluttering in front of you and give him a little pet "Thanks Nox! You're my hero! If it weren't for you, I'd probably have missed our stop!" Nox lets out a few happy chirps, enjoying the praise and pets thoroughly.

You feel a pair of big, strong arms encase your midsection in their warmth as they pull you into a thick wall of muscle. You can feel warm breath tickling your ear "Then I guess Nox is my hero too." You can't help but smile like an idiot as your boyfriend's warmth and scent envelope you. "I mean, don't get me wrong baby, I'd totally wait for you to come back. But I do have plans for tonight and you taking an extra long train ride would've kinda ruined that." You giggle as you turn your head and kiss his cheek. "Hey Bickslow. You manage to stay out of trouble while I was away?" he laughs a bit as he moves you so you're now walking next to him with his arm draped over your shoulder lazily. "Nah! With you out, I got so bored that I was actually asked to leave the guild hall a few times for bothering people."

You roll your eyes at him but slide your arm around his back to rest on his side as you walk. You are, sadly, not tall enough to comfortably drape your arm over his shoulder but you make do. His babies float in a halo above you, like sentries on the lookout for danger. Nox is currently perched on whichever doll is directly in front of you, you can't tell which doll it is though because its little face is facing away from you. Bickslow listens as you talk about the job and you, in turn, listen to him about the one the Thunder Legion recently took with Laxus.

Bickslow is just telling you how Freed put a sleep spell on Laxus for the train ride home, which resulted in him having to cast another spell to wake him up when they arrived since not even all three of them could lift Laxus's sleeping form, when you finally arrive at the guild. You can see the large, thick, wooden double doors closing off the guildhall from the rest of the world, and Bickslow leans in close, kissing the corner of your mouth and nibbling on your ear a bit "Do you really have to say hi to everyone?" he asks in a whiny, somewhat higher than normal voice. As fun as it would be to skip checking in on the guild for a date with Bickslow, you stand resolute "They need to know that the job went well and that I got home safe don't they? They'll just ask pester me later if I don't. Don't worry Bickslow it shouldn't take long." you say as you walk to the doors.

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