Chapter 3: Her Knight

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Flashback! [Btw, flashbacks will always be in italics]

"Hey there (f/n). Still haven't picked a guild yet huh?" a handsome young man asks from across the counter. "Go away Hibiki." You groan at Hibiki Lates, member of Blue Pegasus' Trimens. He'd been hitting on you and trying to convince you to join Blue Pegasus ever since he heard you were looking to join a guild. It was really starting to tick you off.

Before the flirtatious wizard could continue, your boss calls you over. He hands you your paycheck and you head to the back to change. You exchange your black slacks, black shoes, and white blouse uniform for your favorite (f/c) knee-length dress and half-inch heels. Once all of your things were packed away and made sure to clock-out, you say goodnight to your boss and meet Nox out front (he wasn't allowed to be with you while you worked).

"Ready to go?" Nox squawks happily as he perches on your shoulder. 'I wish he'd come tonight. It would've been nice to talk to him.' You snap out of your thoughts and give Nox a nod as you both head off down the street. You are not going home though, it's only about 7 at night, and you had another job to go to.

Don't get the wrong idea, you don't think of this one as work since you love to do it so much. You arrive at your destination after about 5 minutes of walking and look up to see the sign that read DANCE STUDIO above the door. You were an assistant instructor for swing dance lessons. The studio held lessons and dances all day Saturdays and Sundays teaching a variety of styles ranging from the Waltz and Tango to Hip Hop and Breakdancing. It's Friday night so they're hosting a dance (swing dancing tonight). So, you enter and help the main instructor set out snacks and prepare the free beginner's lesson you do before the dance for any newbies.

~~time skip to 11 at night brought to you by Cana's barrel~~

You walk out of the dance studio and start to walk home down the dark street with Nox perched on your shoulder. The fastest way home is to pass by the bar from earlier so you take a deep breath and turn onto the street with the bar on it, hoping no drunk idiot comes out and bothers you. You get past the door and start to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly--someone grabs your wrist and pulls you back.

"Slow down honey. Where are you off to so late at night?" The man's voice floated past your ear as you smelled a mix of alcohols on the man's breath. 'Great. Just my luck.' you roll your eyes. "None of your business." you say as you try to pull your wrist out of his grasp. Instead, the man pulls you to him and wraps his arms around your waist. "Oh come oooon...don't be like that. We can have some fun together right?" He reaches down and grabs your ass. Frustrated and violated, you yell out "Nox! INTO A DOG!"

Your magic flows into the rusty blackbird creating a black magic circle under him as he grows into a large black dog whose snout was slightly curved down to resemble a beak. About half of his feathers turn into dog fur while the others shorten to match the length of the fur. His eyes were two glowing yellow orbs that locked onto the man who was violating you. Nox growls and  half barks, half squawks at the man before charging at him. The man freaks out, thinking that the dog is going to attack him.

The man releases you and you run the short distance to put yourself behind Nox who stopped charging as soon as the man released you. Before the angry drunk can do anything else, someone grabs his shoulder from behind and throws him onto his back. Now that he's on the ground, you have an unobstructed view of your dear friend Bickslow. He sees you and flashes you a smile as he sticks out his ridiculously long tongue. "You ok?"

"Yeah" you breathe a sigh of relief as you explain to Bickslow what just happened. He nods and turns to the man. "The lady's with me. Why don'tcha head on home before I call the police on ya for harassing her?" Bickslow watches the man stumble away. In the meantime, you kneel down and kiss Nox's head and scratch behind his ears. "Nox. Back to normal." you say as a blue magic circle appears and Nox turns back to his blackbird form.

You turn to face Bickslow as Nox perches on your shoulder. He turns to you and flashes you a smile. "Want me to walk ya home (f/n)?" You nod. "Yes please. Thanks Bickslow." He gives you a nod  and bows "After you milady." he says in a mock British accent. You fight back the urge to laugh as you give him a curtsy and speak in your own mock British accent "Why thank you sir knight." You both start giggling furiously and start walking to your apartment, as you'd done many times since you first met several months before.

Nox is perched on your shoulder as you walk. He whispers in your ear "Maybe you should ask Bickslow to tell you about his guild? It might help narrow down your list." You hesitate but eventually ask him to tell you about Fairy Tail. He was more than happy to talk about his large, crazy family. By the time you got to your apartment door, you knew you had to join Fairy Tail. 'Should I tell him? No. I'll surprise him instead.'

You thank him for walking you home and he starts to walk off before turning around to tell you that he won't be around this coming week and possibly the next one. He was going on a big job with his team. He was sure they'd be back within two weeks but he wanted me to know since he wouldn't be able to walk me home from the bar. Bickslow just about had your work schedule memorized and came in everyday you worked. He'd come late enough to walk you home after your shift every time without fail.

"Thanks for telling me Bickslow. Be safe and have fun."

"Heh. Thanks (f/n). You be safe too."

~~~back to present courtesy of Erza's strawberry cake~~~

Nox squawks, pulling you from your thoughts to alert you that you've reached your apartment. "Thanks Nox."

"You're welcome (f/n). You were spacing out." Nox chirps as you open the door and he flies in. You make a small dinner for yourself and feed Nox. You shower and head to bed. All the while, your mind continuously drifts back to Bickslow. You had met almost a year before at the bar where you used to work and it's been almost two weeks since that night he told you about Fairy Tail. You would never say it out loud...but you were crushing on the goofy Seith mage and you couldn't help but miss your knight.


Isn't he charming?! Hope you like!

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