Chapter 1: A New Fairy

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Heyo! So, this is my first ever Fairy Tail fanfic so bare with me. This'll be mostly fluff but I might try my hand at a lemon scene/chapter later. This takes place 3 years before the show begins and I don't own Fairy Tail. For now, enjoy my babies!

**Quick note for people new to fanfics...

(f/n)=your (first) name

(l/n)=(your) last name

(f/c)=favorite color

(s/c)=skin color

(h/c)=hair color

(s/f/c)=second favorite color

(e/c)=eye color


'This looks like the place.' you thought as you looked up at the large building towering above you. You were shaking slightly in both nervous energy and excitement as your anticipation grew. Before you could muster up the courage to enter though, you heard a voice speak up from behind.

"Hi there. Can I help you?"

You turn to see a girl with short, light blue hair and wearing an orange dress. Her bright, innocent smile helps relax you as you return the smile.

"Yeah actually. This is the Fairy Tail guild hall right?" jabbing your thumb over your shoulder to point at the towering building behind you. The girl nods.

"Yeah, it is. I'm Levy. I'm a member of Fairy Tail. What's your name?"

"(f/n)(l/n). It's nice to meet you Levy."

"You can come in if you want. I'm sure whatever it is that you need, someone will be able to provide it." Levy speaks up. She opens one of the large doors and holds it open for you.

"Sure, thank you very much." You smile as you follow her inside.

You enter the hall and the noise level skyrockets as you hear people arguing. You look in the direction of the noise to see a pink-haired boy with his forehead slammed against the forehead of another boy with dark blue hair. The boy in pink wasn't wearing a shirt, but instead wore a vest and a scarf, showing off his bare chest and abs. Just as you started to think how weird that was, you realized that the dark-haired boy had no top on whatsoever. You blushed a little in your shock. You hear Levy sighing next to you and turn to see her look more disappointed than uncomfortable. You then hear a light, airy voice speak up from somewhere to your left.

"Hi Levy. Who is this with you?"

You turn to see a tall lady with long white hair, fair skin, and a long red dress. She had a bright smile as Levy waved, "Hi Mira. This is (f/n)."

You smile and walk over to shake hands with the tall lady who takes your hand. "Well then, it's nice to meet you (f/n). I'm Mirajane, but you can call me Mira. Can we help you with anything (f/n)?"

"Actually, yes. I was hoping I could speak to the master."

"Really? I can take you to his office now if you want."

"Yes please. Thank you Mira."

"My pleasure."

You wave goodbye to Levy as you follow Mirajane to the master's office. Mirajane knocks and opens the door saying "Master, there's someone here to see you."

You could hear someone say to let you in and Mirajane steps aside to let you enter. She closes the door behind you and you can hear her walk away. You turn away from the door to see a small old man smiling up at you. You give the old man a smile of your own.

"Hello there. And who might you be?" the old man said as he got up and walked up to you.

"Uh, I'm (f/n)(l/n)."

"Nice to meet you (f/n). I am Makarov Dreyar, master of Fairy Tail. How can I help you today?"

You clear your throat and ask in a small voice "I..I was wondering..if..maybe I could..join your guild?"

"Hmmm...May I know why it is you want to join child?"

You blushed a little as you remembered how your friend had described Fairy Tail. You snapped out of your daydream and looked up at the old man who was patiently awaiting your answer. You give him a vague smile.

"I've been trying to pick a guild for awhile now. I asked a friend to help me pick and they helped me realize that Fairy Tail had everything I could ever want."

Makarov nodded in understanding as he asked his final question. "Last thing child..what is it you are looking for?"

"Family, friends, adventure, and rom-..uhhh excitement." You blushed furiously as the old man gave you a knowing smile.

"Believe me child it is no secret. We are known to have many powerful and good-looking wizards here. You have indeed come to the right guild. And with that, welcome to Fairy Tail! What kind of magic do you use?"


Lol! Sorry about that ending. But don't worry, I'm gonna post the next chapter ASAP. Let me know what you think tho!

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