Whenever I get scared, I shake a lot.

I didn't spot Jimin, so that made me feel a bit lucky.

I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

I tiptoed/ran towards a window, it was protected by an alarm system but if I just ran fast enough, I know I could get away. Since I was in the first floor, this would be too easy.

I had to move fast.

I placed my finger tips on the window seal and slowly started to lift it. A head splitting loud noise made me jump back in surprise.

"XIYEON!!" I heard Jimin's now loud voice yell.

I quickly got up and opened the window fully, I climbed out with ease and started to run, as fast as possible.

I got a little far and smiled as I was only few feet away from the woods, I could use my climbing skills that I learned from gym and hide in the trees.

Suddenly an arm went around my waist, lifting me in the air, also pressing down on my lungs.

I already knew it was Jimin, I also knew he'd be furious, but that was the least of my concerns. I couldn't breathe!

"J-Jimin! Stop! I can't breathe! You're pressing down on my chest!" I tried my best to talk but it was so hard to breathe. I hated this feeling, having fresh air hitting my face but barely being able to fill my lungs with it.

"Another lie!? You said you submit and look at you now, trying to run away again!" Jimin shouted.

"Please! Stop! I-I," my words were spaced out.

Jimin started to scold me again but his words began to get more and more muffled as I felt myself slipping away despite gasping continuously for air...


"What! What happened?" Everything was sort of vibrating and I had a mini headache. I was suddenly on the couch, laying down.

"You..you passed out. I accidentally suffocated you," Jimin looked guilty.

I sat there for a minute or two, how..?

In a instant the memories began flooding back.

"Why..?" At this point I'd pulled my knees to my chest for some type of comfort. I felt extreme sadness, mainly because I was almost out of here..and partially because he didn't listen to me..he didn't listen at all.

I felt a single tear fall onto my cheek before anger took over. "Why didn't you listen to me!?" I asked, slamming my hand down and looking Jimin in the eyes.

Jimin had a sincere look on his face, "Xiyeon..love, I'm so sorry, I thought I lost you." Jimin placed his hand on my head,

Is he serious?

"Are you kidding me..? You never had me to begin with!" I lifted my head up and pushed his hand away.

"Xiyeon, at least tell me what I'm doing wrong! I thought you wanted this!" Jimin pleaded.

"Wanted this? What the hell are you talking about!?" I asked.

"You're the one that said you wanted a yandere, you even wished for it, I'm just trying to make you happy. That's all I've ever wanted to do..so, I'm your yandere, even before you wished for it, I've been for years. I remember your freshman year, you were so timid and smiley." Jimin began to grow a wicked smile.

I buried my face in my knees as more tears began to fall, he's got it all mixed up, his head is messed up. "No..Jimin, this is not what I wanted. This is so messed up! You're my teacher!"

"Are you implying that if I weren't then you would of wanted this?" Jimin began to sound a bit angry. I just decided to ignore him. He's a psycho. "Bet if it was Namjoon then you would be sooo happy, correct?" Jimin gripped my forearm, squeezing it painfully.

I looked at Jimin and it was like he just shifted to a completely different person, "what the fuck did you just say?" I tilted my head.

"There you go again with the swearing!" Jimin stood up and yanked me forwards.

I didn't show any signs of pain on my face. He doesn't deserve it.

"Once I mention your little crush in a bad light, you go batshit crazy! Well guess what, the cops didn't put him in jail, I fucking murdered him. Injected bleach right into his disgusting neck and stepped on his fingers as I watched him slowly die from the inside out. All for you. I'd appreciate if you gave me the respect I deserve!"

I stared at Jimin, not speaking a word at all. ..I just felt..afraid. He was actually scaring me. I know one day I'll say the wrong thing and he'll end up murdering me out of rage.

I just need to escape before that day arrives..


Another chapter done wooooooo!

Careful What You Wish For × pjm✔️Where stories live. Discover now