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"Open wide!" Jimin beamed and brought the food to my lips.

I gave him a death glare and opened my mouth, but not wide.

Jimin used the chopsticks to place the food in my mouth. I allowed the food to enter my mouth, before sticking my tongue out and letting it fall out.

Some of it landed on my lap but some landed on the floor.

I smiled innocently. "Oops,"

"That's okay!" Jimin shrugged and used a napkin to wipe my mouth. Jimin started to wipe food off of my chest and I quickly pushed his hand away as I felt my cheeks heat up.

Jimin looked at me with a smirk and I gave him a mean look. "Awww!" Jimin cooed.

What the hell is cute about embarrassing someone?

I crossed my arms over my chest, it was night time and Jimin was attempting to feed me dinner.

Jimin set the chopsticks down, stood up and grabbed my face. He leaned in so his face was just inches from mine and I had to look up at him.

I placed my hands on his and tried to pull them away from my face. Jimin didn't budge. He only kept a small smile on his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not used to you having this angry look on your face when you look at me, you're usually so bright and smiling," Jimin spoke softly.

My expression softened as I scoffed and put on a sarcastic smile. "Oh no, mianhaeyo, I just don't know who could smile at a fucking kidnapper! You stupid dickhead."

Jimin still kept a smile before sighing, "you're too cute! I love you," Jimin kissed me on my nose and I quickly moved back. "But refrain from swearing. It's unusual to hear my sweet love speaking like that," Jimin let go of my face, sitting back down.

I looked him in his eyes and made sure I had every ounce of his attention before speaking in a hushed voice, "Screw you."

"You didn't curse! I knew you would stop love!" Jimin clapped his hands excitedly. It reminded me of a child on Christmas and I got a weird feeling. It creeped me out to say the least.

What's really going on inside that head of his?


I was currently in the shower since I spilled food all over myself, Jimin forced me to.

I couldn't help but constantly glance behind myself, I didn't trust this house or him.

Jimin had nearly every single shower product I use in here, which started to make me wonder.. How long has he been stalking me?

I heard the door open and I thanked God for the shower curtain. I was too afraid to peek out.

"I forgot to give you clothes so," I heard the sound of something being set down. "There you go."

I flinched as I heard the door slam close. Was he in a bad mood? Was he bipolar or something?

"Im gonna die in here.." I whispered to myself.

After I took my sweet time in the shower. I decided I should just get dressed and try and see if I could spot anything that could help me escape.

I got dressed quickly, almost falling over once though.

I opened the door slowly. My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking.

Careful What You Wish For × pjm✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ