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∆Xiyeon's POV∆

"Aw man, I wish I had a yandere!" I sighed.

"Yah! You know you really shouldn't say that out loud..never know who's listening.." Yuha smacked my arm lightly.

Suddenly a loud noise erupted and filled the classroom. My head snapped towards the direction of the noise.

Mr. Park was staring at both of us, his chest moving up and down.

I noticed his chair was knocked down behind him.

"I apologize girls, I mistaken a fly for a bee." Mr. Park shyly smiled and bowed slightly.

I did the same. he's so protective.

I turned back towards Yuha. "Thanks for staying with me though!"

"You're my best friend. Don't mention it," Yuha rubbed the area which she'd previously slapped.

"Let's play would you rathe--,"

"Aish, I would but I have to get to my next class! Sorry! I'll see you at home." Yuha said and she quickly gathered her belongings and scurried off.

∆time skip∆

The rest of the day went surprisingly good, Yuha didn't return but during lunch Mr. Park took me out to eat with him so I didn't have to sit in lunch possibly by myself. He even drove me home at the end of the day.

"See you tomorrow Xiyeon!" Mr. Park said. He drove away when I got into my house.

I clicked on the lights as I walked past them until I got into the kitchen. "Yuha!?" I called out. Where could she be?

I opened the fridge and glanced around. Mr. Park bought me all kinds of food today, I need something to drink asap.

I noticed a half drunken bottle of water. Yuha never finishes her bottles of water.

I grabbed the bottle and twisted the cap off. I gulped down on it until I noticed the weird taste but by then it was nearly gone.

"Ugh. What the hell?" I stuck out my tongue and wiped my mouth. This water is stale as fuck.

I closed the fridge.

I finished all my homework in Mr. Park's class so I'd have the weekend to just relax. I took my phone out of my bra and texted Namjoon. 'Hey wyd😘'

My phone went off meaning I got a notification, I opened it swiftly. It was from Namjoon. 'just layn down. Hbu💦💦?'

I smiled before replying 'nothing just standing in the kitchen. Yuha is out somewhere and I'm lonely 😞😞💔'

Namjoon replied almost immediately. 'Would it be weird if I asked to come over?'

I shrugged. 'I guess not, come on over 💓'

Namjoon replied one last time, 'look sexy for me baby💙💦'

He's totally going to ask me out! I squealed and set my phone down.

Since Namjoon lived close, it wouldn't take too long.

A couple minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

I rushed to answer it to be faced with Namjoon. I smiled and invited him in.

"So Yuha isn't home?" Namjoon asked.

"Yup! would you like water?" I turned my back and walked to the sink and began filling up a glass of water.

Namjoon came behind me and placed his hands on my hips. I flinched a little, not used to this type of contact.

"Relax baby," Namjoon whispered in my ear.

I smiled and turned back towards him. I handed him the water, he drunk a little.

"Let's go to your room?" Namjoon asked.

"Uh sure?" I shrugged and started to guide him to my room.

Once we were outside of it, I opened my room door and walked inside.

I noticed Namjoon closed the door behind us. I sat down at my desk and faced him. "So?" I laughed nervously.

"Come here," Namjoon began to take off his sweater. At first I didn't mind it but it began to get weird when he took off his shirt and shoes.

"Um..I'm fine," I forced a smile.

Namjoon walked over to me and ran his fingers through my hair. "You know you're being disrespectful," Namjoon said.

My smile dropped. "I am? How?"

"You should take off something also, instead of being rude and letting me feel like an outcast," Namjoon's voice sounded cold.

"Or you could just put it back on, I-I never told you to take it off in the first place. it's kind of weird that you did actually..," I felt a little awkward.

"I thought you liked me?" Namjoon's voice went sad.

"Wuh..I do! I do like you,"

"Then why don't you just fucking take it off!?" Namjoon grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me towards the bed.

I put my hands ontop of his hands to try and loosen his grip and stop the pain on my scalp. "Namjoon! What are you doing!?" I got my knees.

"Shut the fuck up! do you have any idea how annoying you are!?" Namjoon said as he pulled my hair back and forth. "I had to deal with that shit, your annoying innocence! Every single dirty joke makes your entire face red! What are you 14!?"

I felt a lump in my throat form. "I'm sorry! just please stop!" I rubbed my hands together in front of him.

Namjoon grabbed my forearm and threw me on the bed. I looked up at him in fear.

I slowly touched my scalp and felt something wet. I looked at my fingers and a couple strands of hair and blood were on them.

I slowly looked up at Namjoon as tears blurred my vision. "You..monster," I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Me? A monster!? You haven't seen a monster yet bitch!" Namjoon grabbed my throat and squeezed. I grabbed his arm and dug my nails into them but it didn't seem to phase him.

Suddenly I felt myself start to drift away, falling deeper and deeper. Just as I reached the bottom air was pushed back into my lungs.

I was too busy breathing to notice the Namjoon getting punched in the face by....Mr. Park?

Woohoo! (The Sims anyone?!) Another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed loves.

Careful What You Wish For × pjm✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz