In consequence of the first turbulence, he asked for a scotch. The rest just followed up.

After three hours, two movies, and god knows how much alcohol, he gave in to his bloodshot eyes and fell asleep-or more like passed out- our hands resting on my knee. I waited a while, and when I had made sure he was in deep sleep, I gave in too.

It was a good thing the first class was visually separated from the economy one, because otherwise, I couldn't have sat down next to him.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when the plane finally landed. Ethan looked completely relieved, like someone had taken every single weight he was holding off his shoulders.

And then, as soon as his feet stepped out of the plane, professor Vennberg was back. We were the first ones to walk out, so no one could see us together.

He didn't let any student see him in that state. All of them were completely oblivious, and to be honest, he made a hell of a job in switching his attitude.

His superior walk, critical face and arrogant smirk-that never failed to make my knees weak- made its way back into his system in a matter of seconds. But I didn't miss the fact that as soon as we got out of the airport, he walked away from the group to light a cigarette.

I never took him for a smoker. Doctors usually don't pick that kind of lifestyle. Yeah who am I kidding-we're probably the ones whose liver is most damaged from all the drinking. Same goes with cigarettes.

My eyes caught his as he inhaled the noxious thing. He looked hot as fuck, there's no point in denying it. He gave me a smirk before dropping the cigarette and graciously stepping his foot to the ground to die it down.

I looked through the window as the events refilled my mind, enjoying the German landscapes. I switched position in the seat and closed my eyes.

* * *

The hotel was as fancy as I thought it would be. Considering the activities themselves were going to take place in here -and how this site was full of the most prestigious doctors from all around the world- I assumed we were probably not going to be able to leave the hotel, and if we were, I guess we would be tired from all the classes, conferences and running around.

"What room are you in?" My friend asked as we made our way to check in.

"404, I think." I said, trying to remember what my e-mail had said. I'm pretty sure it was on the fourth floor, plus the ones at the top were usually for people with money.

"We're going to be neighbors, Lia!" He pronounced way too excitedly. I rolled my eyes. I had given up on telling him to quit it with the name.

"Yay." I notoriously faked.

"You're no fun! We can even have a pajama party..."

"In your dreams."

"See you there, babe." I punched his arm and he groaned.

From the corner of my eye I saw Ethan talking to the receptionist, she was clearly affected by his presence -as any person who is attracted to males would- you could tell by the way her cheeks adopted a pink-ish color. She nodded and then tapped something in the computer in front of her. After some time, Vennberg passed her a credit card to pay for something.

I thought it was all already paid?

He thanked the lady and gave her a wink before turning around. The woman could've fainted right there and then.

«I feel you, sis.»

"Mr. Edwards." His powerful figure acknowledged my friend with such a curt tone that it was suddenly thirty degrees colder. Jacob only managed a faint nod.

Unassailable: The professor.Where stories live. Discover now