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Wonwoo stopped at the front door of Soonyoung's apartment. Should I be telling this to him? Wonwoo thought. Upon years of being best friends, to think that he'd still hesitate on confessing to Soonyoung about his crisis. He had no other option at the moment, and had also immediately ran over to his house on the first thought. He hesitantly brought up his hand and knocked on the door.

"'Bout time you did that." Soonyoung walked up beside him. "It was fun watching you just stand there for two minutes." he chuckled.

Major in Dance, Kwon Soonyoung

Soonyoung looked at Wonwoo. "You really didn't get my message?" he asked. "I texted you that I was going to the grocery to buy some food."

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. "You did?" he questioned watching Soonyoung fumble with his keys.

"Yeah, check your phone." Wonwoo unlocked his phone and saw the message pop up.

"Well I guess I placed it in silent mode. I was working at the library today anyways." he shrugged and placed his phone back in his pocket.

They both went inside of the apartment. Wonwoo plopping down on Soonyoung's couch, and Soonyoung who went to fill up his fridge with the groceries he bought.

"Why'd you come here?" Soonyoung asked, closing the fridge door and walking over to sit at the other end of the couch.

"Oh just nothing. Wanted to hang out." Wonwoo grabbed the remote on the coffee table and started swtiching through channels on the tv.

"You're such a horrible liar." Soonyoung laughed as he grabbed the remote and switched off the tv. "Now tell me, is there a reason why you actually spent two minutes just trying to knock on my door? You seemed pretty desperate to hang out." Soonyoung raised an eyebrow at Wonwoo.

"Well, I contemplated on if I should be telling this to you or not." Wonwoo said. "Now that I think about it, I could've just said it to Jihoon." Wonwoo sighed.

"I was working at the library earlier today and a guy just came in asking for where to find engineering books." Soonyoung tilted his head, being more engrossed into the story. "And I-" Wonwoo stopped, unsure if he should say it or not.

"You what?" Soonyoung asked.

"He looked- cute." Wonwoo mumbled. He fixed his sitting position and bit his lip. "Look, I've never called a guy cute alright?"

Soonyoung laughed. "And so? Did you catch his name?" He asked.

Wonwoo was surprised. "Wait, so you're not mad or anything?" he asked nervously.

"Of course not! My man's got someone he likes. For the many years of our strong friendship and you'd think I'd just leave you like that? I wouldn't really care." Soonyoung patted him on the shoulder, to which Wonwoo's relief, he sighed. "You're just Wonwoo. The same Wonwoo - but likes guys."

Wonwoo chuckled back. "The name? It was Min- Mingu- I already forgot." he tried remembering Mingyu's name. "And I dont like him. Maybe since this was a first, it'll go away." Wonwoo told Soonyoung, who just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Maybe tomorrow he's going to be there again." Soonyoung cooed. "You'll never know."

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