Chapter 17: Meeting Sector 7 and a Vigilante of Love and Justice!

Start from the beginning

Y/N's thoughts: I should change my weights by the end of the day.

Lambda: Ready arsenal, combat imminent.

Small portals appeared in front of Lambda and blade constructs came out of them as you begin to dodge them.

You keep up dodging while also destroying some of the construct blades. You then grabbed the last blade and threw it back at Lambda. You then started to rush at her, she knocked the blade way then saw you were up close about to attack. She used her blades and blocked the strike. You then jumped back got distance between the two of you.

Y/N: Your reaction speed is at least faster then the last one I faced.

Lambda: Sickie Storm.

She then created and launched a large constructed sickie that chips the ground and headed straight toward you.

You kick the construct and it shattered. You looked up and saw she was in the air and is closing in on you. You raised your arms and blocked the strike. You felt some force on that strike, she jumped back some distance away. You both stared at each other in the distance.

Y/N: That was fun, (you cracked your knuckles) now... it's time to get serious.

Kokonoe's thoughts: I see interesting... looks like I might need to make a few adjustments.

Y/N: Alright then, Round two!

You started to charge at Lambda but, all of a sudden a gateway opened and Lambda went back in and she was gone. You stopped and your charge and tilted your head.

Y/N: Huh? Where did she...?

Kokonoe: She's back here, that would be enough for now. Got some good battle data of some your capabilities.

Y/N: And I was starting to get serious...(sigh)

Kokonoe: Well sorry if I have to cut the chat short, but I have to get some improving done, bye.

She hung up and Ragna as he approached to talk to you.

Ragna: That was something, I'm going to walk around for a bit, you can do whatever.

Y/N: Alright, I'm going to find a good place to meditate.

You activated your clothing beam and got your F/C cloak on. Then, both you and Ragna went opposite directions.


Time skip

You wondered until it was night to find a good spot to meditate but you had no luck.

Y/N: (removes hood and sighs) I looked throughout this entire part of the city and I have found no right spot to meditate. What to do...? Hmm?

You looked up and see that some fireworks are lighting up the sky.

Y/N: Neat, those must be from New Years a couple of days ago.

Litchi: They sure are.

You turned to your right and see that Litchi is going somewhere with some medical supplies with her.

Y/N: Going to help someone with those medical supplies?

Litchi: Yes, I got a call and that Bang has someone that is wounded, so I'm going to head over there to help. Would you like to help me?

Y/N: Sure, I got nothing else better to do. (Puts hood back on) Do you want me to carry those medical supplies?

Litchi: That would be great. (Hands medical supplies to Y/N) I heard the news, your a criminal now?

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