Chapter 3

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It's been more than five weeks and Camila had enough. She tried numerous times calling Lauren but all she got was voicemail. She had to watch from the UK as Lauren performed with Halsey in their SA tour. Lauren looked extremely happy. She on the other hand, felt extremely miserable. Except when she’s on stage. She’d laugh, smile, and dance. But the moment she’s away from the public, her façade would crumble. She’d excuse herself most of the time and lock herself up in her hotel room. By the time the tour flew back to the States, Camila knew she had to accept that this may really be the end.

July was even busier. She had shows with Taylor and shows of her own. She’d have at most 2 days between concerts and she was so tired, she didn’t even had to pretend. And mostly, people left her alone even Matthew. For that, she was thankful. By this time, she had stopped trying to contact Lauren. But still, snuggled deep into her bed, Camila lay awake most nights.

Jingle Bell… Jingle Bell… Jingle Ball Shows

It’s been six months and Camila’s life had returned to some semblance of normalcy. She does not cry anymore… well not as often as before. She dropped Matthew and had dated a couple of guys nearer her age, nothing serious though. When she smiled and laughed, it now reached her eyes. But not tonight. Tonight her stomach was in shambles, her palms sweaty, and try as she might, her eyes kept on twitching. Tonight was the first Jingle Ball Concert and both Lauren and her were performing. Tonight was the first time they’ll be seeing each other again in person. Unless they both made an effort to avoid each other.

“Do I look, okay?” Camila asked her mother for the tenth time that night, as she peered closely through the mirror.

“Yes, mija. You look great. Muy guapa,” Sinu answered from where she was sitting.

“I don’t know, Ma. Maybe I should have gone with the frayed top. Did you bring it?” Camila sat down next to the luggage and opened it.

Sinu sighed as she sat up and walked over to where her daughter was frantically digging through the pile of clothes. “Camila?” She looked on as she daughter ignored her. “Camila.” The absence of a response made her shake her head. “Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao.”

Camila dropped the shirt that was holding. Then she turned her head and look up at her mother, her nerves on display to everyone to see.

“It’s going to be okay.” Sinu whispered as she bent down and embraced her daughter. “Whatever happens between you and Lauren, it’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.”

Camila bit her lip to stop from crying. She doesn’t exactly know what her mother thought of her relationship with Lauren but she never made her feel that anything was wrong.

“Thank you, Mama.”

A knock at the door told her that it was time.  Nodding at her mother, Camila stood up, squared her shoulders, and plastered a smile on her face. It was showtime.

Camila was on her fourth song when she noticed her at the corner of her eyes. She had a hoody and jacket on, her face barely seen but Camila can recognize those green eyes anywhere. She almost stumbled. Looking back at the audience, she smiled widely as she continued singing. At every chance she got, she would turn her head towards Lauren. And she was always there, in her corner, watching her intently.

As an encore, Camila dusted one of her older songs as a lead in for her current number one hit. And as she sang, it took on a life of its own. She stared straight at the crowd, afraid to look at the corner to the person she was singing the song to. She then sang her last song and danced all over the stage. When she found the strength, she glanced towards the corner again. Lauren was still there. She had moved the hood from her head slightly, her face now visible and was looking at her with that half smile, half smirk that she used to carry. Camila felt her heart lightened as she finished the song. After the thanks yous, she ran off the stage towards Lauren’s direction but she wasn’t there.

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