Chapter 12

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“I can’t… I can’t accept this,” Lauren said as she stood up and faced the window away from Camila.

“What?” Camila asked as she looked up at Lauren, confusion written all over her face. “What do you mean?”

“What if I… what if I hurt you again? I did it twice already. Chances are…”

Camila stood up and stood beside Lauren and held her hand. “Chances are I will still eat the last pizza slice even though you still want it. Chances are I will still say the corniest joke at the most inappropriate times. Chances are I will still flirt with other people just to make you jealous. Chances are I will write songs about you when you make me angry and sing it to everyone who’ll listen ---.”

“Camila,” Lauren turned her head to look at the girl on left. “Are you really trying to convince me or dissuade me?”

“Just trying to make you remember what you’re missing.” Camila said with a smirk. “And just to let you know… I’ve been working out… that butt you like so much, well let me just say it’s more than a handful now.”

Lauren turned her whole body to face Camila, her face scandalized. “My parents are right outside this room… they might be even listening in on the other side of that door.”

“I mean I don’t know if you’ve seen pictures of it but I can guarantee you,” Camila continued as if she didn’t hear Lauren. “it’s pretty amazing. Oh… and I just bought this outrageous bikini. You would think that such an itsy bitsy piece of fabric should cost less but…”

“Fine… fine… fine… I’ll accept that ring if you’ll just shut up.”

Camila reached out for Lauren’s hand and placed the ring on her finger. “No take backs, Jauregui.”

“I better see you in that bikini you’ve been mumbling about.” Lauren said as she raised her hand to look at the ring.

“I’ll even wear this thing with it.” Camila said as she reached inside her pocket and brought out the ring that Lauren gave her.

“I thought you lost that… honestly I thought you threw it out.”

“Almost did.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.”

 The following week

“Why can’t we do that? Others do,” Camila shouted.

“We just want to minimize the chatter.”

“We’ll still have our boyfriends around. We’ll hold hands with them, hug them, kiss them. That doesn’t change. And who are we kidding? You don’t care what is trending in SM as long as we’re being talked about.”

“Okay fine. Just remember that ---”

“Lauren and I will act as normal BFFs. And if they ask, we’ll neither confirm nor deny anything. We’ll just smile and hold hands with whoever is the boyfriend of the month.”

After several months

“Did we do the right thing?” The man puffing an expensive cigar asked the people in front of him.

“Well sir, sales are still up. Anticipation for the second album is high.”

“People still like her?”

“Conservatives still think they’re just two best friends having fun. On the other side, the ahem shippers are having a grand ole time.”

“Well then, carry on.”


“So….” Lauren ran her fingers on Camila’s arm.

“So?” Camila asked as she looked up lazily at Lauren, putting her book down. They were vacationing in Puerto Rico and lounging on the couch overlooking the beach. Lauren was sitting while Camila was lying, her head on Lauren’s lap.

“Are you happy?”

“Do you even have to ask? Isn’t my beaming face enough of a clue? How about my absurdly high level of perkiness? People are asking if I’ve gotten a hold of your stash.”

Lauren let out a laugh. “Well in that case, maybe it’s time to cash in that check.”

“What check?” Camila asked curiously as she sat up.

“I was promised an itsy bitsy bikini a few months ago. Just saying all I’ve ever seen you in are like my abuela’s swim wear.”

“Oh my God, Lauren,” Camila said as she hit her girlfriend playfully on her arm.

“What?” Lauren pouted as she rubbed her arms.

“You’re such an ass girl.” Camila said as she stood up. “As a matter of fact, I didn’t forget to bring it with me.” She added as she reached inside her pocket to pull out a tiny piece of cloth.

Lauren’s jaw drop in anticipation.

“Hey there, horndog. This is just a handkerchief.” Camila said as she blew her noise on it. “My bikini is smaller than this.” She added with a wink as she stepped inside the room.  


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