Blood Shower (English)

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Chapter 1

"Kale, how did the test go?" Reema came up to me with worry painted on her face.

I sighed. "Don't even ask about it."

Meridith groaned, "I know, it was hell!"

She took the point. It was a traumatizing hell, I thought I studied real good the past two weeks knowing that it was impossible to live through this examination but I didn't really expect it to be this deadly. I didnt even know most of the test questions!

Crystal came running, "Hey, wasn't the test today easy?"

We stared at her unbelievably.

"What?" She replied with no clue.

It was 5 AM, an hour before the evening chimes. School has just freed its students from its cage. Since either way, it's Friday, we decided to hang around a little more for refreshments. I shall introduce myself. My name is Kale Clifford, nothing else but a typical-- I guess-- student in her 10th grade. A girl with medium length brown hair and hazel eyes.

Basically my main goal as of now is to be a good child and student. To be able to enter a good college and die with a successful smile.

Though I doubt that. The present period of time is very peaceful, but not in the same time. There aren't much people getting deep deadly scars or dying in wars but its just mostly some negative emotional and spiritual stuffs that makes this generation not able to meet peace, even if they're in the minds.

Well, I could say that. Not passing in tests can make you mentally ill. Not that I am but-- it works that way.

I sighed in exhaust, thinking if I could graduate from 10th grade with this much failure.

On our way to some fast food chain we could die for, we stopped on our tracks. I had no idea why at first but after realizing , I stood on my feet staring.

There was a fire up ahead. Guessing, what would be some cheap small spaced apartment brewed fire from its walls. There were the typical stuff, firetrucks, ambulance. The rescue team, a tall figure in fur in the fire.

Wait.. what?

Crystal brought up a subject in the midst of the distant fire, "Hey, you guys do know the family in my father's side has been passing down careers related to history right?"

I looked once again, and for some reason the figure I saw earlier was out of its place. What was that even? A two toed walking husky? Well, planet earth has gone pretty mad after all.

Or maybe its just me that went mad.

"As a kid, granpops presented me this log of legends which is an ancient original from people our ancestors somewhat know." She continued.

Reema raised her eyebrows, "And?"

"Well, there's a legend that relates fire!" She exclaimed.

Meridith faked a shocked expression, "Woow," Her words dragged. "That is so amaaziing."

Crystal frowned at her.

"What about you proceed your story when we arrive at Wc's?" I requested. This fire is a little bit too unpleasant for story time.

"You're never interested in these stories." Crystal's eyes shined as her name.

I patted her shoulder, "I didn't say I am."

She frowned once again.

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