Seasons and Willows (English)

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Chapter 1

Declan jolted awake when a cold material struck his face. A pinch of freezing snow met his tongue, the teenage boy winced to the taste.

He puffed the icy particles off his shirt and bed sheets, "Seriously Marco, in my room?" Declan complained.

His cousin snorted along with the continous slaps of his thighs. Marco didn't reply, he was seriously making fun of the sleep-stricken boy.

Declan groaned and unwillingly leaped off his indigo comforter. He ignored his rebel-of-a-kind cousin and walked towards the locked windows. Frost lines covered the glass, the image of the outside world is blurry.

It's the winter season, and to him winter means Santa Claus and sleeping. His belief to the old guy never varies, which makes him the main laughing stock of the family― using snowballs as tomatoes.

His palm met the cold glass and wiped the fog off, trying to take a glimpse of reality but as is, reality is as blurry as a low quality camera.

He never liked them.

"Bro, the family's going to start decorating." Marco broke his conception, suppressing a laughter. "You better hurry putting up your stockings or else Ana is going to steal 'em again and your candies."

Declan scoffed, "Shut up."

His cold treatment towards his cousin only made the jerk laugh even louder. I hope you die from your own mockery, he said in his thoughts.

A few moments later, Marco has left but Declan stayed staring at the blurry glass. Weeks from now, the scene ourside will hardly be visualized. How funny it is that every move of nature relates to a human's pace.

He shuffled his dark hair and lazily slumped down his bed, staring with his drowsy eyes at the ceiling filled with flourescent stars.

He was too lazy to peel them off, who cares anyway?

The digital clock beeped ten, warning him to visit the first floor. Declan groaned once again, cursing himself for not being able to sleep early.

After taking a shower, he slipped on a cyan colored sweatshirt and jeans then headed down the stairs. Cheerful laughter met him, everybody was happy.

It wasn't new to him, he grew up with this kind of aura their family unleashes. Too friendly, too welcoming, too positive.

The Thirwall's have decided to celebrate Christmas and winter at their home, it was really surprising that they were able to fit in that dollhouse. How many guest rooms does his parents need to add? Between five to six. Quite a handful.

They weren't even able to fit.

Declan's eyes scanned the busy room, looking for something called food. His eyes landed on the kitchen door, smoke was coming out of it. The boy's eyebrow knitted when Aunt Felisa came in running with a fire extinguisher from the basement.

Oh what is it now?

"The oven! The oven!" Felisa screamed― accidentaly dashing the extinguisher to joyful, old Grandpapi who was busy rearranging the vases.

The cylindrical red metal landed harshly on Grandpapi's back, making everybody gasp and panic. Declan stood there shocked, now he doesn't have the slightest idea of what to worry about. The burning oven or his crampy grandfather?

Though he could tell, it's the oven.

He grabbed the extinguisher from the crowd surrounding his 83-year-old grandfather. Nobody was even minding the poor kitchen, except for little Izzy.

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