The Act of Foretelling (English)

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01; The Magician

"Leave it." Luke Harper pointed out to the the lone card I'm holding. I stared at him as if telling, he knows why I shouldn't let it go. Our friendship didnt last as long as our current age but we know each other well. And sadly, I know he's full of this. "Seriously Auberon, we're not allowed to have anything else on our body except our camp uniforms."

"Are you insane? This is a family heirloom. I just cant simply let it go. If its some possessive chick then it wouldn't be hard."

He rolled his eyeballs and heaved an exhale. "You're the possessive one."

The evening has just begun with the sunset. Knowing that fact, any moment now we should be lining up by the forest entrance with the firefox crew. I'm not sure if this will sound odd but camping is a subject in De Letran, an all boys highschool I attend to. There is a week in a year where is weirdly enough called, the 'Hunters Week' but its purely just camping.

"Yeah, shut up." I slid the tarot card inside my pants' side pocket and went past Luke, walking towards my crew. Not like the faculty officers would know I brought a tarot with me, there's no problem with that either.

If you have no idea what a tarot is, well, its a set of usually 78 cards including 22 pictorial cards used for fortune-telling.

Dumb, you'd say. Why would I bring a family heirloom with me? Why is a tarot card even hortricultural variety? Please don't get me started. I consider it as a sort of good luck charm.

The whole field silenced after hearing a roar from the head coach. After that is when he stated in a loud voice,"Boys! Stand straight, face the horizon!"

And its a statement none should ever disobey.

We marched in synchronization towards the open path, once again is called, 'Sunrose.' Yes, ironic, knowing that this direction is where the sun sets.

Stopping at two separate routes, we paused tracking the dirt path. "Seniors, left route. Cadets, right." The head coach once again ordered.

As a Cadet, I went along with my fellow men towards the right route. I have heard that the left route is just a trial, a test for preperation in behalf of the other direction. I have never been to the right path before nor heard whats inside, but its no reason to back off.

Somebody tapped my back, "Pretty exciting, eh?" I looked behind and saw it was Luke.

"Uh-huh," I agreed sarcastically, cussing myself for actually forgetting he also was a Cadet. "Guess tarot cards aren't a prohibition after all."

He scoffed, "Guess no officer told you it can be teared to shreds."

A smirk is what I returned him, "It can be, not will be."

Luke did the exact grin, "Glad you're unaware."

Ah, no wonder we're friends.

Various tasks were given like the typical. The worst is swamp fishing, where you need to find some stuffs they threw in the swamp in the middle of the night with uh-- fishing rods. Luckily, there were no alligators lurking.

Dont ask me how we even succeeded, we eventually just did.

I felt my backpocket to check if the card still is there. I sighed in satisfaction after knowing it hasnt been thrown away accidentally.

"Gundaya, Hale, Harper, Hatters and Irving will be the last group. Separate yourselves from each crew and form your temporary team."

As Auberon Hale, I grouped with the mentioned people. And yes, Harper as in Luke Harper. I have no clue why we're never even separated, as odd as that sounds.

Irving handed us neon yellow handkerchiefs, "Wrap these around your forehead, I wont be able to spot your soggy faces in this obscure woodland."

We just stared at him in disbelief as he shift his thick, dim-framed glassess. Why am I even surprised? Dinks (nerds) never tend to fail anybody either way.

The teachers questionably looked at us, being the only team with brightly colored cloth, which is not a uniform. Come to think of it now, where the heck did he bring these from?

The thought was disregarded after a loud whistle.

"Cadets, we here are standing at a secluded area, a flower patch. Though, a rose garden is what you shall hunt for. In behalf of the purpose of this whole training, each small teams shall pick ten red roses." Professor Lewis stated in an order. After the paragraph, the mocking chatters is what can only be heard in the bunch. Obviously it wouldn't be even hard, making me snicker at the thought.

But he continued; " It is predicted that you all will be able to accomplish that goal but-- there is one white rose hidden in the depths, only one. This rose must be added to your collection of roses, making it eleven, for the sake of victory."

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